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Vivianna woke up several hours later strapped to an all too familiar chair surrounded by the doctors, but the one that stood out the most was Dr Lang. "Vivianna, it appears that some memories are starting to reappear. Of course, we can't have that happenin', so we're rescheduling your therapy session." Metal pegs were placed onto Vivianna's skin, causing them to pinch and pull. A metal-like headset was placed, so they sat on Vivianna's temples before the program started.

The electric volts shot throughout Vivianna's body, causing her to cry out in pain. Dr Lang stood with a smile on his face as he watched the girl convulse in the chair. Watching Vivianna in pain satisfied his sick needs with unexplainable pleasure. All sorts of feelings rushed to his core as he bit his lip.

To Vivianna, it felt like hours before the electric current was stopped. "Now, Vivianna and I have a special evaluation to do." Dr Lang ushered the other doctors out of the room and ordered them to deal with Bud and Ike. Vivianna watched with hooded eyes as Dr Lang made his way towards where she was sitting. "Vivi, it really is a pleasure to have you as one of my patients." He started off. "But your constant need to disobey my rules really upsets me." He feigned disappointment. "And you know how much I want you to be a good girl, my good girl." He whispered out as his eyes trailed along the girl and admired her dishevelled state.

In the background, a loud riot could be heard as the patients began to break free. "Dr Lang, they've escaped." One of the guards rushed in. Dr Lang exited the room with the guards as they ran to get away.

"Vivi!" Vivianna could hear Clarice's voice from behind the door. "You're in here!" She called out. Clarice, followed by Ike, skipped into the room and walked over to Vivianna. "What have they done to you?" She asked in concern. Clarice helped Vivianna get out of her restraints and then helped her to walk out.

Clarice helped Vivianna all the way to the car, where she placed her in and joined Ike. As Ike was about to drive away, they spotted Jackson and Lizzy, who had just burst through the door. "Jackson's got a hostage," Ike said to Clarice as he got out of the car.

Vivianna watched through blurry eyes as Ike and Clarice dealt with Jackson and Lizzy before slowly she began to pass out.


Vivianna awoke once again to Clarice lightly shaking her. "You've gotta get changed, so they don't recognise ya'." She spoke calmly to the half-unconscious girl.

Clarice helped Vivianna slip out of her Gorman outfit and get changed into a pink floral sundress. "Well, don't you two look pretty?" Ike said as he joined the two. Vivianna looked around as Clarice and Ike began to talk. Her eyes landed on Bud, who shyly waved at her. Vivianna mimicked his actions before jumping in surprise as Jackson and Lizzy jumped out of the back of the car.

Bud smiled as he saw his best friend. "Jackson!" He cried as he ran towards him and pulled him in for a hug. On the other hand, Lizzy ran as fast as she could down the road, hoping that she could escape the psychotic couple. Clarice chased after her while Ike pulled out a knife and pointed it at Jackson.

Vivianna stood emotionless as she watched everything unfold. "Do that again. I'll turn you into strawberry pie," Ike mumbled to Lizzy. "I'm gonna kill him; I'm gonna kill him right before your eyes." Ike threatened. His eyes flickered over to Vivianna, but he looked away when Clarice nudged him in the back. Everyone was well aware of Clarice's admiration for Vivianna, but no one understood why. "That goes for you two, as well." Ike pointed his knife at the other guys. Anyone bolts and everyone dies.

Jackson cussed at Ike, causing Lizzy to rush over to him. "We're all gonna look out for each other. It's okay." Lizzy nodded at everyone. She lightly grabbed Vivianna's arm as a way of comforting her but immediately retreated when Clarice pulled her away.

"Don't touch her!" Clarice got in Lizzy's face as she aggressively swore at the former nurse. "You put your hands on her again, and you'll know about it." She whispered to Lizzy. Ike pulled Clarice away from Lizzy and instead threw the nurse a dress to put on.

Lizzy stood behind Jackson as she changed from her nurse's outfit into a dress. "Where are you takin' us?" Lizzy asked as she finished getting dressed.

"Mexico. Perhaps you've heard of it?" Ike snarked at Lizzy. "Gonna find us some money, find us some more wheels. Go past Austin, see my mum. Y'all be welcome there. My mama loves company." Vivianna began to shake her head at Ike's words. "No?" Ike asked as he raised an eyebrow. Everyone turned their attention to Vivianna as she continued to shake her head.

"I- I." Vivianna began to mumble. Clarice grew excited at the thought of hearing Vivianna speak for the first time.

"What is it?" She asked as she approached Vivianna.

"Can't go," Vivianna whispered to Clarice. "Have to go back, Gorman." She continued on.

Clarice frowned at what Vivianna said. "You wanna go back to Gorman?" She asked in what seemed to be anger. Clarice was disappointed in Vivianna, to say the least. She expected more from her idol. "What's so good about Gorman that makes you wanna go back?" She spat. Clarice remembered all the times she and Ike, as well as every other victim there, were put in severe pain and torture as a way to cure them of their delinquent ways. Clarice has felt almost betrayed. Although never once had Vivianna shown Clarice that she wanted to befriend her or that she liked Clarice at all, Clarice still thought that they had bonded.

"Dr Lang. I need to be good." Vivianna croaked. Clarice suddenly softened up as she realised that the staff at Gorman had manipulated her precious Vivi.

Clarice tried her best to comfort her best friend. "Fuck Gorman House. Ya don't need them." Clarice cussed. 

"Jackson, you got someplace you want to get to?" Ike asked Jackson. "You got family somewhere?"

Jackson shook his head. "No. No, Mexico sounds like a plan." Jackson went along with what Ike was saying in order not to aggravate him anymore. 

"Well, let's get goin'," Ike announced as he got back into the car. 

Lizzy looked around at the group as she was the first one to realise that there wasn't enough room in the car. "There aren't enough seats," Lizzy told Ike. 

Ike flared his nostrils in annoyance as he looked back at Lizzy. "Then get back in the trunk." He sneered at the nurse. 

Vivianna found herself crushed between Bud and Jackson in the back of the car as Ike swerved the car side to side, but after Ike got the hang of driving, Vivianna found herself falling back asleep once more.

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