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Vivianna was another troublemaker amongst the walls of the Gorman House Youth Reformatory, her past completely forgotten due to the so-called therapy sessions they do to help.

In a cell, separated from everyone else, was where Vivanna was located; it was rare that she got into the playroom. Today was one of those rare occasions where Vivanna was allowed to go somewhere other than the basement. So she sat at a table alone in the back of the room as she stared down at the blank pieces of paper. "Hey, Viv!" Clarice called out from the opposite side of the room. "Come sit over here!" She gestured to the table where she sat, her boyfriend accompanying her. Vivianna kept her head down and focused on the blank piece of white nothingness as she attempted to ignore the desperate pleas of Clarice.

"Vivianna." A new voice called out to the girl slowly. Vivianna looked up to see a nurse standing at a table with two male patients. The nurse smiled happily at the girl as she tried to make her feel comfortable. "I'm Lizzy. I'm a new nurse here. I was assigned to be your nurse." Vivianna stared at the nurse that knew every little detail about her, wondering what exactly her motives were. Lizzy, feeling uncomfortable under the gaze of the supposed dangerous patient, looked away from the girl.

Vivianna looked at the male patients that Lizzy was also assigned to. Of course, she already knew their names, but she didn't understand why they were in Gorman. Her eyes flickered down to the scribbled piece of paper that Bud was currently passing to her. She lightly held onto it and placed it in her pocket.

Suddenly, Clarice stormed up to the group; anger displayed throughout. "Stop harassin' her." She hissed at the nurse as she stood in front of Vivianna. "She don' wanna talk to you." Clarice looked the nurse up and down.

"Fuck you, asshole." Everyone's attention was redirected to Ike as he yelled at another one of the patients. "I'll pop your eyes right the fuck out of your head!" Ike screamed at him as he gripped him by the shirt. Lizzy took this as her cue, so she stormed up to the two of them, hoping to separate the delinquents from causing even more trouble.

"Let him go," Lizzy spoke softly to Ike.

Ike, angered by the nurses' interruption, yelled, "Mind your business!"

"It is my business." Lizzy kept to her soft tone. "What is the problem?"

Ike smirked as he admired the new nurse. "He said some things I didn't care for. Something about a girl in a nurse uniform, what she might taste like." He licked his lips before grabbing the nurse by her arms and pulling her close.

Clarice, still standing beside Vivianna, glared at the duo as she beamed holes into the nurse's skull for gaining Ike's admiration. "That bitch is lucky I don't go over there and kill her."

Vivianna felt her adrenaline rise as she watched Bud rush to help the nurse. She could feel all her pent-up anger wanting to tear through the wall that was built, but it all slipped away when the guards came rushing in. "Break it up, pinheads!" They shouted at the two guys. "Back to what you were doin'!"

Immediately Ike turned defenceless as he cowered back from the guards; everyone knew the consequences he would face, Bud as well.

Everyone in the room watched as Bud and Ike were pulled out of the room, Lizzy being asked to follow behind before everyone went back to what they were initially doing. "Of course Ike's getting in trouble; he always gets blamed." Clarice spat as she took the seat in front of Vivianna. Jackson looked over at Clarice as he heard her words and looked at her in confusion. It was undeniable that Ike had been the one to start this mess, yet Clarice was too delusional to realise that. "What are you starin' at?" She snarked. "You wanna go with 'em?" Clarice threatened. As she went to stand up from the chair in order to intimidate Jackson, Vivianna placed her hand on Clarice's. She shook her head at the heated girl causing Clarice to storm away, leaving Vivianna to be alone once more.

Jackson found himself staring at Vivianna. He recognised almost everyone in Gorman, and he did recognise Vivianna, but he couldn't help by wonder why he rarely saw her. "Uhm- Thanks for that," Jackson mumbled to the girl. Vivianna continued to face down as she kept her eyes trained on the image she had created in her mind. Jackson looked away, embarrassed, thinking that maybe she didn't hear him; instead, he trained his eyes on the scribbled-out artwork created by his best friend and brother Bud as he cursed out Ike for getting him in trouble.


Vivianna was still sitting at the table, not moving an inch, when Dr Lang returned to speak with Lizzy about the incident that occurred. "Everything alright?" He asked Lizzy.

"Uh, yes, Dr Lang. I'm- I'm fine." Lizzy stammered out.

Dr Lang released a sigh. "I'll have a word with Isaac and... Bud." Dr Lang trailed off as he looked over at Jackson, knowing that he and Bud were close.

Jackson gritted his teeth as he glared over at the primary Dr. "Bud didn't do nothin'." Jackson defended.

The doctor smirked at Jackson's words. "Lookin' forward to our session tomorrow, Jackson?" He taunted.

Dr Lang's words snapped Vivianna from her trance as she frantically looked around. After hearing the word session, she believed that it meant it was her turn, and she immediately went into a panic. Her eyes searched everywhere for somewhere to run, or at least somewhere to hide. "Do you need help, Vivianna?" Dr Lang spoke in a sultry tone.

Lizzy and Jackson both looked over to the girl, who was very clearly panicking. Jackson believed it was due to the fact that she had also experienced the regular shock therapy, whereas Lizzy thought it to be something different, judging by the tone of the doctor's voice. Lizzy turned the attention away from Vivianna by continuing on with their previous conversation. "Sir, Jackson's right. Bud didn't do anythin'-"

"He was just fightin'?" Dr Lang raised an eyebrow. He was very strict on his no-fighting policy, and some patients got his unique therapy when they so much as sent a glare at another person. "Remind me to tell you later what he did to his last foster family."

"They took away his dog." Jackson seethed.

"That's a perfectly good reason to bludgeon somebody into a coma?" Hearing those words made a memory come back to Vivianna, one that was part of the reason she was the way that she was.

Seven-year-old Vivianna hid underneath the dining room table as she hid from the bad man she called her father. Days like this meant he had been drinking a lot, and alcohol and a violent man were never a good combination.

He sauntered into the house, his clothes torn, makeup smeared all over him, and a mixture smell of perfume and alcohol reeked from his body. Instantly Vivianna's mother realised what had happened, and whilst she was usually the tame one in the family, this was her last straw. She picked up the first object she could find and piffed it at the man, causing it to hit the wall beside him. 

A sick smile formed on the drunken man's face as he looked over at Vivianna's mother. His quick steps were in slow motion to Vivianna as she watched her father storm up to her mother. As soon as he reached her, he grabbed her by the hair and swung her onto the ground. "The fuck was that for, bitch!" He spat at the woman on the floor.

Vivianna's mother kicked at the lying man she called her husband. "You're out fuckin' other bitches. That's what that was for." She responded back with twice as much anger. The man got on top of her, resting all his weight on her lower stomach as he threw punch after punch. "Viv, run!" Her mother spat out through the blood that began to block her airway. Vivianna listened to her mother and ran into the kitchen. Not knowing what more to do after calling for help, she hid under the table as it was her best hiding spot when playing hide and seek.

The sound of fists connecting with her mother's face stopped, and everything went silent. "Mummy," Vivianna mumbled.

The trio looked at Vivianna as she stared up at the ceiling, mumbling almost incoherent words to herself. As Dr Lang heard Vivianna mumble the word Mummy, he immediately called for the guards to come in and take Vivianna away. He knew that she was starting to remember, so he knew his plan wasn't working after all. "We're finished here." He said to Lizzy and Jackson before walking away.

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