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The sun shining brightly was what woke Vivianna up this time, although she wished she could have woken up to see the sunset. 

Clarice walked out from the bedroom, her shotgun still in hand. "Where's Ike?" She asked as she waved the gun in front of everyone's face. 

Jackson stared up at Clarice, an unbothered look on his face. "Maybe you should keep your voice down in case somebody else is out there." Jackson warned Clarice.

"And maybe you should kiss my Texan ass." She sneered. Clarice's eyes trailed along the group who sat in the main part of the caravan, her eyes glaring at everyone. As she walked past and out the door she kicked the feet of Vivianna, making it more than known that she was beyond pissed off. "Ike!" Clarice yelled.

"Where's Bud?" Jackson asked as he stood up. Vivianna looked around and she noticed that Lizzy was still in Bud's place, meaning he had never came back.

Jackson grabbed Vivianna's hand as he ran out of the caravan in search for his bestfriend. "Jackson! This is our chance, come on." Lizzy begged as Clarice was distracted trying to find Ike.

"If she finds Bud, she's gonna kill him." Jackson told Lizzy. 

"Bud can take care of himself." Lizzy gave one last attempt to persuade Jackson, only to let out an annoyed groan when he continued on his search.

Vivianna pointed ahead as she noticed an unusual pattern in the grass, not only this but there was a slight blood trail that followed beside it. Jackson led her in the direction, but he made sure to keep her a distance behind as he wasn't sure what they were about to witness. "Woah, stop!" Jackson pushed Vivianna behind him to block her view. "You don't wanna see it." Jackson warned the two. "Turn that way for me." Jackson told Vivianna. "Bud, you okay?" Jackson asked as he bent down. "What did you do big guy? Come on, let's get you up." Jackson helped Bud get up on his feet. "We should leave before Clarice finds this." Jackson guided Vivianna in the opposite direction that Clarice went off to. "We'll go this way and see where it heads to." 

The small group of four made there ways through the long Texan grass as they tried to run away from Clarice, not knowing that there was more for them to run away from.

"Cops! Cops! Fuckin' Cops!" Clarice's voice echoed through the field as the group stopped to listen. A gunshot was let off and Clarice screamed. 

"Shit. Hide! Go!" Jackson pushed Bud and Vivianna further up the hill where everyone crouched down in a ditch behind a bush. 

An officer that everyone at Gorman could recognize emerged from the trees and tracked his way towards a bleeding Clarice. "Who is he?" Lizzy asked confusedly. 

"Rounds up kids like us. Bad news." Jackson informed Lizzy. 

"He's a policeman-"

"Yeah, a policeman that broke my nose once. He's a corrupt son of a bitch who has it out for kids that get into trouble. He filled Gorman House almost single-handedly." Jackson seethed. Bud and Vivanna nodded along with Jackson, both of them being all too familiar with the man that called himself the law. 

The group watched as other officers emerged while Hartman grabbed Clarice by her hair and dragged her to the caravan that they had previously been staying. They listening as Hartman called out for them to come out. Words were exchanged between Hartman and Clarice that the group couldn't hear but they got a clear view of Hartman pulling out his gun from his holster, aiming it at Clarice's head and pulling the trigger. Vivianna watched as her bestfriends head flung back and her lifeless body flopped to the ground. 

Lizzy let out a scream that was immediately muffled by Jackson covering her mouth. Vivianna covered her own mouth as she mourned the loss of her first friend, although not exactly close and while Vivianna never actually spoke with Clarice, she still felt a connection between them that was now forever lost. "If you go, me, Bud and Vivianna will be next." Jackson mumbled in her ear.

The group of police officers fired there guns into the empty caravan. While this happened, Lizzy had pushed herself out of Jackson's grip and ran away. Bud and Vivanna got up to follow Jackson and Lizzy as they ran further away from the officers. "Lizzy!" Jackson called out to the nurse. They stopped when they came across a dead animal carcass that was beginning to get eaten away my maggots and flies. When they heard the sound of dogs barking and making their way up the hill, they thought quickly. 

Vivianna sat practically on top of Jackson as she laid overtop of his body. They were pressed tightly against one another in the closed area of the carcass' insides. How they managed to fit every member of the group in there is a question for a later time. 

Blood covered each person head to toe as they carved themselves out of the dead animal's body. Lizzy instantly ran away when she got the opportunity to do so. 

The sight of Vivianna being covered head to toe in blood shocked the members of Gorman House as they had not bothered to get the young girl clean clothes or even the opportunity to wash away the blood. It was rare that a child as young as Vivianna was brought into Gorman with crimes that she had supposedly committed, and every time one was brought in, it was always a surprise.

"Come on, there's water down here." Jackson hovered his hand over Vivianna as he helped her walk down to river. 

Bud, Jackson and Vivianna dropped down to their knees at they cleaned the water off their faces. After Jackson was finished removing the blood from his own face, he started to help remove some of the blood from Vivianna. "That better?" He asked. Vivianna nodded her head before looking around at where Lizzy had wondered off to. "This way." Jackson pointed to between the trees. 

The group, although still mostly covered in blood, continued walking closer to the road when Lizzy spotted a police car. "Hey! Hey! Stop!" Lizzy screamed as she waved her hands around to draw the attention of the officer. Vivianna followed Jackson as they both ran after Lizzy, only when they got to the bridge Bud was already there. 

They slowed to a stop when they saw Bud on top of the officer. When Jackson saw the officer aim his gun at Bud he took off running, yelling at him to stop. 

Vivianna felt a tear fall as she watched Bud fall to the ground, her body froze up as she watched Jackson begin to punch the officer.

Punch after punch was thrown at Vivianna's mother. Vivianna could hear the moans and groans of her mother and she saw as her mother began to cough up blood. 

She snapped out of her daze and ran to catch up with Jackson right as Lizzy began to drive away. Quickly the pair jumped into the vehicle, leaving Bud's lifeless body on the bridge.

Immediately Jackson started to yelling and hitting the car. "Fuck they killed Bud." He repeated over and over again. "Why'd you run away? Why the fuck did you run away?" He yelled at Lizzy. Jackson was hyperventilating as he thought back to the death of his best friend, a new kind of anger was released the second he saw the gun.

Vivianna reached around the seat and touched the side of Jackson's head as a way to comfort him. "You're insane. You just killed that cop." Lizzy responded to Jackson's anger.

"You got Bud killed! You got Bud fuckin' killed!" He screamed. "You're just like everybody else. You fuckin' liar. Why'd I think you'd be any different?" He spat at Lizzy. Vivanna too shared a new founding hatred towards the nurse that she had actually grown to like and trust.

A gunshot through the back of the window caused Lizzy to swerve to the side and everybody to get down. "It's Hartman! Drive!" More gunshots were fired as Lizzy constantly swerved to avoid them.

From Vivianna's position in the car she was able to witness as Jackson got hit with the bullet, she watched as the blood sprayed from the side of his face causing him to cower away. She gasped as Jackson looked over. The sight of a chunk of skin missing from his lower cheek made her want to vomit, scream, and cry all at the same time, was she about to lose everyone all in the span of one day?

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