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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Babe." A voice called out causing Sage to jump up from her bed. Sage pulled open her bedroom door, and met eyes with Rafe. His eyes were bloodshot, and he held a gun that dangled from his left hand.


"Babe, I did something bad. Like really bad." Rafe said, pushing Sage in the room, closing the door behind him.

Sage broke out into a nervous sweat, as her heart pounded on her chest as if it was going to explode.

"What did you do?" Sage asked, keeping her distance from him.

"I was protecting my dad, she was going to arrest him an-"

"Rafe, what did you do?" Sage asked again, this time with a stern tone. She was scared to know, but she needed to.

"I shot Sheriff Peterkin." He croaked out. Time seemed to slow as Sage processed what he had just told her. Her heart sunk into her stomach, and tears threatened to fall. Her breathing became irregular, as she backed up, falling onto her bed.

"Sage, I don't know what to do." Rafe cried, falling onto his knees in front of her. Sage looked at him with a confused look, as if he was absolutely insane.

"You need to tell the police." Sage said, standing up. He had killed someone, he needed to confess.

"What? No!" Rafe said, grabbing Sage's shoulders harshly. She saw the fear in his eyes, and she sighed. Why did she always feel the need to protect anyone that cried to her?

"Rafe, what you did was bad. You need to confess." Sage said, and she saw the fear in his face change to anger.

"Are you not listening? I said no, do you want me to go to jail? You'll never see me again. I thought you were going to stick by me no matter what." Rafe said, giving Sage a harsh shove.

Sage stumbled back, and tripped over her own feet, and she fell into her dresser. She winced in pain, and looked up at Rafe who seemed to have no remorse.

"Get out." Sage said softly. She thought back to what JJ had said about her deserving better, and it lingered in the back of her mind.

"What?" Rafe questioned, wanting her to repeat what she had said again.

"I said get out. I don't want you here." Sage said, holding back her tears. She couldn't believe that he pushed her, and didn't even feel bad.

Rafe chuckled, clutching the gun tighter. Although Sage was absolutely terrified, she stood her ground.

"No, I'm not leaving. You need me, you always need me." Rafe said, waving the gun around. He knew how this would go. Sage would get mad, and he'd cry, and she'd stay with him.

"Yes you are, and I'm also gonna go tell the police what you did, myself." Sage said, pushing past Rafe. Sage gripped the door handle to her room, but before she could turn it, she felt something hit her over the head.

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