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I Fought For The Day That You'd Come Back To Me....And You Did... <3

Written by @Mr_and_Mrs_Cullen

I woke up to someone rapidly shaking me.

"Yo! Lazy ass, wake up" I heard my little brother, -Luca yell. I moaned and rolled onto my stomach, putting a pillow over my head, at least trying to ignore my brother as an alarm clock.

"Fine, have it your way!" He started to jump on the bed. I started to feel a little sick. He knows I hate being rocked about because of me being afraid of anything that rocks about.

"Luca! Stop!" I moaned, and lifted the pillow from my head. He was wearing one of my bra's and had my dad's boxers on his head. I laughed, and threw my head back onto the pillow.

"Luca. You're one crazy shit aren't you?" I asked him, smiling. He nodded, and then turned around so I could unclasp the hooks from behind. I sighed, sat up and did it for him. He smiled, and took the boxers off his head.

"Give them back to Daddy, Luca. We don't need his.....friends everywhere thank you!" I smiled. He aimed them at me and I quickly got off the bed, squealing.

"Do that again, and I will hit you so hard, that even Edward won't be able to play with you" I smirked as Luca's face looked disappointed. He sighed exasperatly and then nodded frantically. I wanted to laugh at him as we walked out sluggishly, but, that'd be too mean. I made my bed, and pulled the curtains open.

"Jesus Christ" I said as the light penertrated to my eyes, causing my eyes to see different colours and weird kind of crap. After a short couple of seconds I noticed that I now could open my eyes. I don't know why...but I have a phobia of closing my eyes. It's probably to do with the fact of not knowing what's in front or around me for that matter.

I got dressed into a denim short with black tights, and a white crop top. I started to hear the pattering of my brothers feet walk up and down on the landing as he was yelling, "I WANT FOOD!" I heard my dad give him a right bollocking, but he didn't comply with Dad. I sighed, and put on my Ugg boots. I opened my door, and Luca looked up to me.

"Can I have breakfast now?" He moaned and then stopped walking back and fourth.

"Yes you may! Now walk down the stairs! Don't run, otherwise you'll fall!" I said, but did he comply? Nope he did not. He totally -at full speed, ran down the stairs and skipped the last two by jumping off the last third step.

"You may go back to sleep, Dad" I said.

"Thanks Bells" He said, and I could already tell that he was getting enveloped back into his sleep.

"You're welcome" I walked down the stairs, and entered the kitchen. Luca was sitting on the kitchen table, and swinging his legs back and fourth, bashing them when they came back down on the counter.

"So! What does the little green monster want to eat, hm?" I asked. Three guesses it's pancakes. Okay two.

"Pancakes!" He squealed, and sat back on the red stool facing the isle in the middle of the largekitchen we owned.

"Your wish is my command, and pancakes you may have," I got the mixture ready,"..with some rat poison added" I said under my breath, jokingly.


"Alice, are you sure you don't mind looking after Luca?" I asked as she let herself in, and as she scanned the place Luca came running down the stairs, purposley bumping into Alice. He eyed her, and then walked into the living room.

"What's the kid's problem?" Alice smirked, but she looked kindof iffy about the ideaof babysitting Luca now.


"Hey" Edward's voice cut me off, and made me gasp in suprisement. He has been fighting in Iraq, and today would be the day that I have seen him for a year or so.

"Edward!" I ran to him, and then jumped into his arms. He picked me up, and I hid my head in his neck, "Baby I 've missed you" I said this when he put me on the floor. He leaned down, and kissed me. My arms were thrown around his neck. Our lips moved fiecerly, with Edward already begging for entrance.

"Later" I managed to whisper, and connected my lips back to his.

"Eddie!" Luca squealed, and broke the kiss off from me and Edward, and hugged his legs.

"Hey big man!" Edward picked him up, and smiled to him, "How have you been? Did you protect Bella like I asked you to?" Edward asked. Luca nodded.

"I haven't let daddy or Bella bring a friend home! Especially if it was a boy!" Luca squealed. Edward chuckled.

"Now. Can I take your sister out?" Edward gave me a side way smile, and looked back to Luca.

"Sure!" Luca gave Edward another hug, and then jumped out of Edward's arm's and ran into the living room, closing the door.

"Wanna go?" He asked, pulling me in closer to his chest.

"No" I smiled, and he creased his eyebrows. I sighed, rolled my eyes, and then dragged him up the stairs, and led him into my room. I had my room all planned out. Rose petals spread out on the bed, with only candle light acting as our only source of light.

"You did all this for me?" Edward started tearing up.

"I did it for you" I grabbed his shirt, walked back to the bed, and lay down. He crawled on top, and smiled down to me.

"You sure?" Edward asked me. I nodded. He attached his lips to my neck, and started undressing me quickly.

"Edward, before we carry on, I need to tell you something" I stopped him from kissing my neck, and made him look at me.

"What is it?" He traced my lips with his thumb. I kissed his thumb.

"I love you"

"I love you too" He replied, and started kissing the heck outta me...

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