2.0 "You drive me insane woman!"

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This takes place 3 months after the battle in Eclipse! Bella is at the Cullen's.

I laughed as Edward tickled me. "Okay fine, I am sorry!" I pleaded and giggled. It has been 3 months since the battle. Edward has been really happy and bubbly lately. He woke me up asking where I put his keys to his baby.

I got up and ran around the house. I squealed as Edward picked me up from behind and slipped. We fell on the ground with me on top of him. I pecked his lips and sat on his stomach.

"I love you." He said looking up at me. He sat up slightly and went to kiss me. I quickly got up and ran in to Emmett and fell on my bum. He laughed and picked me up and through me backwards.

"Emmett!" I giggled as I fell into someone's arms. I looked behind me and saw Edward. I stuck my tongue at him, but he just kissed me and playfully bit my tongue. I tangled my hands in his hair and tugged on a few strands.

"Get a room!"Emmett yelled and then whispered "So damn cute." I smiled at
that. I broke a part from Edward and went to get a glass of water. "We are going hunting!" Alice yelled, and everyone sped out the door. I got a cup and the water. Edward started to play the piano.

I wasn't paying attention and got water all over my shirt. "Damn it!" I hissed and took my shirt off. I was left in my bra. I looked at Edward and saw his jaw tightened.

I still felt wet and I looked at my pants. There were soaked too. I sighed and took them off as well. I was standing in the kitchen in my lace underwear. Suddenly my phone buzzed. I ran over to Edward and took it out of his pocket.


Edward likes what you are doing. ;) Keep it up, Btw, don't look at his pants;P (hint: He is excited ;)

I laughed and looked at Edward and raised my eyebrows. I through my phone in the and sat next to Edward. I put my hand on his leg. He pulled me on his lap and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Are you trying to get kissed to death." He smirked. "Gladly, I would love my gravestone to say 'Isabella soon-to-be Cullen, happily kissed to death.'" I said and kissed his nose. I guess he wasn't having that. He started to kiss my neck. I moaned and I could feel something poking my bottom. I jumped off of him and dragged him to the living room.

"Baby, what are you doing?" He chuckled sitting on the couch. I sat cross-legged on the chair across from him.

"Truth or dare?" I asked him grinning. He laughed but nodded. "Truth." I scoffed. "Chicken! Okay fine, How do you feel about me like this?" I motioned to what I was wearing.

"I think you look sexy, I could eat you up." He groaned and kissed me quickly. "You go." I insisted. "Truth or dare?" He asked me.

"Dare." I smirked. "Why don't we go up on my room and you kiss the hell out of me?" He dared winking at me. I grabbed his hand and led him upstairs into his room. I jumped on the bed and Edward pinned me down and started to move his perfect lips on mine. He pulled away and looked at my eyes.

"You drive me insane, woman." He said and molded his lips with mine.

"I try Mr. Cullen."

"You will be one hell of a Mrs. Cullen."

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