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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Sage tiredly trudged alongside the road, the blistering sun beating down on her cheeks, turning them a slight crimson color. All she wanted to do was fall onto her bed, and never leave.

Kie and JJ sped down the road, and were too distracted to notice Sage standing on the side of the road.

"Listen, I love her and all but when is she gonna get it through her head that he's literally the worst person ever." Kie spoke, talking about Rafe.

"I just... I want it to be me. I could treat her so much better." JJ mumbled. Kie looked over at him, and was jealous how everyone liked Sage. All her new Kook friends, when they never accepted Kie when she was a Kook.

"Kie, watch out!" JJ yelled. Kie snapped out of her trance, and looked up to see the brunette standing in the middle of the road. Kie slammed on her breaks, and swerved, just missing Sage.

"Sage, what the hell? Do you have a death wish?" Kie screamed, jumping out of the car. Once she looked down at Sage's appearance, her tone quickly softened.

"At this point, yes." Sage sighed, trudging to the backseat. She yanked opened the car door, and fell into the seat, leaning her head back and closing her eyes.

"Where the hell have you been?" JJ asked, slightly angry, but just genuinely curious. Sage's mind flooded back to the nightmare evening she had last night and cringed.

"Rafe confessed to me about Peterkin, and when I went to tell the cops he gave me this shiner and left me at Topper's where he had John B locked in the laundry room. John B snuck out of a hole in the laundry room, and I nearly died from smoke inhalation." Sage said, inhaling deeply after that long story.

Sage fluttered her eyes open, and saw the pair looking at her in disbelief. JJ and Kie's looks of disbelief disappeared when they saw her bloody temple and bruised cheeks from where Rafe had grabbed her.

"Sage." Kie sighed, but Sage didn't want to talk about the situation anymore, so she quickly changed the subject before Rafe was brought up.

"Where's Pope?" Sage asked, seeing that another one of the Pogues were missing. JJ let out a stifled laugh, and Kie put her head in her hands.

"Romeo told Kie that he loved her, and she completely shot him down." JJ explained, still laughing about the situation.

"JJ, that's not funny, but I'm too tired to give a fuck so..." Sage trailed off, curling up into a small ball on the car seat. She forced her eyes closed again, and felt Kie drive off.

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