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Once Upon a Time

There was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know.

Or think we know.

One day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen.

Our world.

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IF THERE WAS ONE THING Daciana knew all too well, it was loss. Without a doubt, every time she lowered her guard and opened her heart up to someone, they were ripped from her. As the young girl's sight fell onto the intricate glass coffin, she couldn't help the tears well up in her eyes. There Snow White laid cursed to be in a death-like sleep for all eternity.

If only she had listened to them.

The dwarfs surrounding the coffin wordlessly moved out of the Huntress' path to allow her to collapse beside the coffin and grieve. She was not one to openly show her emotions, her weaknesses, but Snow deserved it. She earned their respect.

Galloping hooves trembled the ground in the distance, her gaze lifted to see Snow's beloved Prince Charming enter the clearing. In any other circumstance it would be scenery to admire with fresh snow softly falling around the coffin.

"You're too late," Doc spoke softly. The Prince hastily dismounted his steed, rushing to reach his lover's side.

Taking a deep breath in, the young woman composed herself and took a step back.

"No. No!" Charming demanded, "Open it."

Grumpy stepped to the side slightly, placing a comforting hand on Daciana's arm. "I'm sorry, she's gone," he spoke sincerely, his voice vacant of the usual snark. Her breath caught in her throat as fresh tears creeped forward. She willed them back, refusing to believe the Queen had won. The girl Graham sacrificed his life for could not be gone.

Charming shook his head, gazing upon his lover's still face. "At least let me say goodbye," he pleaded.

The dwarfs bowed their heads in submission and moved to fulfil the Prince's request, lifting the intricate glass top with ease. Prince Charming gazed longly at her still, porcelain complexion. As he bent down and softly place his lips upon hers for the final time a ripple of rainbow light spread through the clearing with force. A second passed and finally a quite gasp followed as the Princess filled her lungs with much needed air.

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