Facing The Traitors: Part One

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I'm sorry this is so late. The only excuse I have is my lack of motivation and internet usage. Can't promise a quick update, but I still hope you enjoy and continue to support me.


Deceit was no fool. He knew having Paranoia and King Creativity in the same shared space once more would start a war. The two were always at one another's throats, to the very point of Ronaemus' attempt on Virgil's life. So, naturally he keeps a close eye on them. With Paranoia, there's not much he can do to keep the Dark Side unaware of his presence, so he watched his old friend from afar, while keeping a closer eye on Ronaemus.

He wasn't surprised when he saw the exchange for the crown, how he saw Paranoia and King Creativity plotting against him. He expected this, especially from Virgil. He never was one for following orders, he always liked to do things his own way, but he could be controlled. And it's that control that Deceit plans to enact now as he crosses the threshold between the Light and Dark sides of the Mind Palace. Unhidden, blatant for all to see. Deceit is unafraid of their betrayal, how could he not be? It was Virgil and the twins after all, he knew how to handle them.

He doesn't need them on his side for his plan to work, and while letting them think they're tricking him would be entertaining, he doesn't have time for it. Deceit likes to play games, but he's on a time crunch here, and would prefer to keep things on schedule. He chuckles lightly, reminding himself of Logan. Reviving Patton right now would be a detriment to him, so he has to stop it before they have a chance. He knows this will only make Logan and Virgil hate him more, but he doesn't really care for the moment. Once everything's back the way it needs to be, everyone will want to thank him.

He gets through the barrier Logan had put up quite easily, though that slightly worries him, as Logan's barriers used to be quite formidable. Whatever that's about, he can't afford to worry about it right now. Logan's issues will have to wait. He's stopped by Remy, popping out of nowhere, "You gotta go, babes. We're busy and don't want to deal with you right now."

It would normally be alarming to see Remy so angry and distraught, yet another thing Deceit can't afford to deal with. He crosses his arms, "I need to speak with Logan."

A blatant lie, but he's not about to let Sleep ruin this for him.

"Well, Logan doesn't want to speak with you." is Remy's snarky reply.

Deceit's eyes narrow, "Let me pass, Remy. Don't make me do something you'll regret."

"You don't scare me," Remy scoffs, "I raised you, I know how to handle you. And boy, you're seriously overdo for a severe grounding!"

Deceit rolls his eyes as he closes his fist, silencing Sleep without a second thought. He continues walking and Remy follows after him, grabbing his arm with his free hand. Deceit pulls away, continuing on his path, "Leave me be, I won't tell you again."

Again, Remy grasps his arm and Deceit turns with an angry flourish. He shoves Remy back and then with a flick of his wrist, forces Sleep to kneel. Deceit scoffs, "Now do me a favor and stay there."

He turns once more and keeps walking, ignoring Remy trying to call after him with his hand unable to leave his mouth. Deceit sighs and makes his way to Patton's room. He's unsurprised when he gets there and the door is blocked by Virgil's shadow magic. Rolling his eyes, Deceit takes on Paranoia's guise and reaches out, touching the magic. It absorbs into his body and at that moment, just inside the room, Paranoia gasps in pain suddenly, wrapping an arm around himself.

This gets Ronaemus and Logan's attention, but before either of them can question the Dark Side, Patton's door slams open and Deceit enters the room, shedding his guise, his eyes glowing a brilliant golden, "You really thought that little parlor trick wouldn't work on me, did you? I'm so proud of you, Virgil."

Paranoia turns and glares, voice dark but slightly pained, "How did you get past the barrier?"

Logan stands with narrowed eyes, but he says nothing. Deceit sees he looks a bit pale, but doesn't allow himself to think anything of it. He merely smirks in response to Paranoia's question, "You thought it couldn't hold me? Really? You shouldn't know better than that."

His eyes then fall on the King, "And you.. Conspiring against me? For your mere trinket? You do realize they will give it to you when this is all over, don't you?"

"Just as you promised?" Ronaemus scoffs, "It's amusing how any of you believe I put my trust in you."

"Why help them then? They just want to Split you once more." Deceit replies, raising an eyebrow.

"And what is it you want?" the King demands.

"Order." Deceit states, crossing his arms, "That is all I've ever wanted."

"Commendable," Logan speaks up, "But with what you're doing, order is the last thing you will receive. Do you even know what you've done thus far has done to Thomas?"

"Thomas will recover." Deceit assures.

"You don't know that," Logan shakes his head, "Just put a stop to all of this, please. It's not too late, not yet."

"It isn't too late," Deceit says as he sighs, "That is why I mustn't see this to fruition. And why I simply can have you in my way, Logan."

Deceit moves his hand towards Logan and Paranoia mirrors the movement, blocking off his magic with a spurt of his own. Paranoia's lilac eyes narrow, "That's enough out of you, Deceit."

Deceit smirks, "Are you going to fight me now? I'm quaking in my boots. Big, bad Virgil's going to glare me to death as he speaks in his big, scary voice."

He laughs and Paranoia growls, "Oh, I'll do worse than that."

Paranoia shoots a burst of his magic at him again, and Deceit counters by quickly taking on Roman's form and creating a shield of golden magic to protect him. Paranoia's eyes widen lightly and for a fleeting moment, Virgil reverts back to Anxiety before Paranoia takes over once more.

Deceit grins, "Oh, well that's new. I surely can't use this to my advantage."

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