Kitty Kafe

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Great! We have to wear the cat costumes which revealed too much! And Lucy and Erza didn't have to suffer either, they were working in the kitchen.
"You should go show the guys!" Link said playfully.
"Sure? Why not." I said gleefully.
"Fine." Laila said with a sigh.

"How do we look?" I asked as we walked out.
They were blushing so crazy, I wish I could've read their minds.
"Let's get to work then!" Laila said, obviously trying to get out of the situation.
We got to work when we heard Gray scream. I looked over to see him and Natsu walking away from each other.
Weren't they suppose to be cleaning?
Suddenly there was a loud commotion. Laila and I went out to check what was going on, when I was suddenly grabbed by a huge ape and was brought to his face as hearts appeared.
I tried to use my magic but it wouldn't work! Suddenly I blacked out.

I woke up on the floor with Laila above me. She had tear stains on her face.
"Laila!" I asked but she ran away. I got up to go chase her but fell back down. Guess that ape's grip was harder than I thought.
"Hey, don't try to stand. You'll only going to hurt yourself further." Gray said while rushing to my side to help me.
"I'm fine. But what happened."
"Basically after you blacked out this scientist dude showed up and had you in his arms, tormented Laila about her brother, I think?" Gray stared.
Laila! Oh no!
She told me about her past in childhood. About how her family hated her.
I chased after her.
"Hey! Come back!" I heard Gray yell.
No way was I going to leave my friend.

Okay I'm sorry if this wasn't the best, please forgive me senpai!
Don't forget to go check out Laila_Starborn 's side of the story!
As always, bai!

Staria LightsaborWhere stories live. Discover now