Chapter four

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"Wait you need to kill someone for who?" Jane asked in shock as Sara sighed in annoyance once again, "Red John, could you please stop asking me." She pleads taking a seat on one of the wooden chairs situated around the small wooden table.

Jane had abandoned his cup of tea that he made after Sara logged onto her email once again so he could study the 'proof', and as you could see, he is very shocked about it.

"And you're doing this because he has someone of yours?" She nods in confirmation as he combs a hand through his messy hair, "This is unbelievable, have you ever seen him? Do you know what he looks like?" He asks rushing over to Sara with probably hundreds of questions he wanted to ask, Sara had realised that she had heard about what happened to Jane and his family a while back but but she didn't know Jane was the guy until now.

Sara's P.O.V

"But I don't know if he chose me for a reason or not, I don't know if it was just random luck or if he actually knows who I am." I spill out without realising, I feel like I should regret it, saying that, giving Jane my information could send me to prison for life, but I sense that I can trust him, and if I can't then I can just kill him and hide the evidence (I'm kidding I'm kidding), more like go into hiding for a year and don't get caught.

"Who are you really? I know you don't have to trust me or tell me anything, it's your choice to tell me or not, there's no cameras, no cops, just you and me." he says slowly, walking over and taking a seat in the chair in front of me.

"No cameras?" I repeat, he nods and I realise we are alone, I can tell him everything and maybe he won't say anything, and even if he does he can't prove it, unless I say it again on camera, which I probably won't, "Fine, I'll tell you." I agree, explaining my story.


"Red John killed my mother and sister four years ago. I was lucky enough to get away before he could find me and I started living rough on the streets. I.... borrowed some money to live, hid from cops, and got into the wrong crowds.

Last year I started killing people for money, but they weren't just random people i killed, I only ever accepted to kill them if they were a murderer or rapist or someone like that. I would not kill anyone innocent. I'm not like that I swear."

"But you did kill people." He spoke cutting me off as I glared, "Yes I killed a few people but I probably saved more lives than anything by taking theirs." Jane nodded and gestured for me to continue,

"Hunter came into my life five months ago, and I started to finally get my life on track. He let me live in his house until I finally got this apartment, but then we bonded and I spent most of my time at his place anyway, so I used here as my work office which I was going to quit soon and get a real job but then it happened.

Hunter went missing." I shook my head remembering the memory so clearly, "It was a Tuesday, I was about to call Hunter to tell him about my job interview I might finally be getting a job. 'I could live my life normally with Hunter' was the only thought that went through my head. So I called him, but he never picked up.

I tried again and again but it was no use, I got the first email three days later.

'You kill this person for me or your boyfriend is the one who gets it' it read and underneath there was a picture of a man with some information on him. From the report I was given, he was nothing special. He had a job, no family, nothing much else though. And then another pictures came making me know it was Red John, a picture of Hunter tied up, some cuts and bruises on his face and that horrifying red face that's given me nightmares for years painted on the wall behind him.

I knew that if I don't kill this man Hunter won't be the only one dead, he'll kill me too."

I looked over at Jane as he lifted his head up as he payed close attention to every word I said. "Do you think Red John set you up at the crime scene?"

I nodded, "Of course I do, I can't remember anything happening from that night and then he asks me what I remember? Kinda obvious right?"

He slowly nodded understanding what I meant, "Yeah, I just don't understand what it had to do with anything, I mean you don't know the man or anything."

"I think he was hoping that I wouldn't complete the job in time, and then Hunter would be dead and then I'd be next." I whispered in fear, an emotion I haven't gotten in a while.

"How long do you have?" He asked as I replied with the time, tomorrow night. "Oh, well we have to get working right away!" He insists getting up and urging me to get up as well, "What do you mean?" I question, "We're getting Hunter back."

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