6. Confusion

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When the bell rung signalling the end of lesson, Marinette got out of her seat and begun to pack her things away along with the rest of the class.

"Soooo you got paired with Agreste huh" Alya teased Marinette while chuckling at the disgust on her face.

"Ugh don't remind me" she groaned "buuuuuut" she dragged out with a growing smirk on her face "you got paired with your lover boy over there" she nodded her head towards Nino who she noted was taking sneaky glances and Alya as they talked.

"He's not my lover boy" Alya whined back at her scowling at the smirk on her best friends face.

Marinette laughed at her friend but suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, and by the laugh she could see Alya visibly holding in, she could already guess who it was.

She brought her hand up to the one on her shoulder and slowly peeled it off finger by finger. Still holding onto one finger she turned around and placed the hand down by its owners side.

She pointed to Adriens hand and gave him a pointed look. "That is where your hand will stay, do not touch me" she stated looking him directly in the eyes.

Adrien slightly frowned, this was seemingly going to be harder than he thought. If she wasn't even going to allow him to touch her, even just a simple hand on the shoulder, how was he ever going g to make her fall for him.

He had already worked out that charming her with his looks was out the picture, and she seemingly didn't want him for his social status. If she didn't already know who he was, or at least who his farther was simply but his last name, Alya would've surly told her.

He needed to be creative with this one.

"So princess it seems like we're partners"  she scowled at him.

"Don't call me princess" he almost recoiled at how much venom was in her voice but very quickly regained his composure and plastered a cocky smirk on his face.

Adrien chose to ignore her comment and continue on his earlier sentence. "How about -"
He got cut off by none other than Marinette herself.

"Give me your phone" she held out her palm waiting for him to place his phone there. He looked at her in confusion but couldn't help but let the little bit of smugness that made it's way onto his face.

"Already asking for my number princess, I'm flattered" She only scowled at him once again in response.

"I'm not asking for you number dumbass, now give me your phone." She shook her hand in his face to emphasise her point.

"Sheesh okay okay, what do you even need it for" his signature smirk gone from his face, role aces with a look of confusion. Nevertheless  he still got his phone out of his pocket and placed it in the palm of her outstretched hand.

She muttered a small thanks and proceeded to type something into his unlocked phone. Nino and Alya who had been watching the exchange in the background with amused expressions the whole time had also now had matching looks of confusion plastered onto their faces.

Marinette finished typing , turned of the phone and handed it back to Adrien. "There you go pretty boy, let me know when you want to work on the project" she patted him on the shoulder  and turned around to face Alya

" come on let's go before we're Kate to next lesson." Marinette walked up to Alya and gently grabbed her wrist and started to drag her out the door.

When the6 made it out to the corridor Marinette let go of Her friends wrist just as Alya turned her head to look at her and ask "girl what was that about!?" In a shouted whisper.

Giggling Marinette lent in to whisper in her ear "nothing just messing with him" Alya just looked at her blankly the a cheeky grin spread onto her face.

"Girl you really are something else" Alya laughed at her. The two besties giggled to themselves as they walked down the corridor to their next lesson.

Back in Miss Bustiers class room another set of friends where still stood staring at the door dumbfounded.

Nino was first to break out of the trance they where seemingly put under by the blue haired girl. Walking up to Adrien he patted him on the shoulder, seemingly breaking him out of the trance as well. Adrien stumbled forward ever so slightly at the sudden compact. Completely lost in his thoughts as out what had just conspired moments ago.

"So dude, what did she actually do to her phone." Having forgotten all about his phone while stuck in his thoughts he immediately brought it up to his face and unlocked it. It opens up to his contacts where there was a new one under M.

"So dude, what did she do" Nino asked seemingly amused by the whole situation.

Adrien turned to him with a smug smile and held his phone up to his best fiends face so he could see for himself.

"She put her number in my phone"


Also i would just like to clear something up for the future, if your confused on why their personalities are so different than in the show it's because there are no miraculous in this AU, so I've tried to include both sides of their personality. Marinette's confident side from ladybug and Adriens flirty side from Chat Noir. Just thought to let you guys know in case of any confusion 😁

Peace out ✌️

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