Chapter 53 - Slowly

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A/N: This chapter is basically all explicit sexual content, so if that's not your thing, no worries, probably best to skip it.


It took them a little too long to get into the bedroom, since Damien seemed to be intent on kissing Lucas the entire time. He pressed him to the doorframe, mouth hot and insistent against his, and Lucas found himself arching up into it, bucking his hips into the thigh Damien had so helpfully pressed between his legs. It was good, it was getting him hard, but it wasn't enough.

"Damien." He said, breathing the word with barely an inch between their lips. "Come on, hurry up."

He was trying to sound demanding, but the effect was slightly ruined by the fact he was clinging to Damien, pressing against him as close as he could get as Damien held him firmly in place.

"Be patient, tesoro. Maybe I want to take my time with you." But Lucas knew Damien well enough to know he wasn't particularly patient either, so soon his hands were at his waist again, his touch so hot it almost burnt as he slipped his hand under Lucas' shirt.

As soon as he began to lift it over his head, Lucas paused, hands stilling on the back of Damien's neck. It was dumb, he knew it was dumb, but he felt a sudden stab of self-consciousness. Damien had probably seen a lot of people naked, and a lot of them probably looked better than Lucas did. Because Lucas was too pale, and had moles on his back, and all his fat collected at his stomach which meant he had noodle arms but a bit of a belly and Damien would realise that—

"Lucas." Damien said softly, and Lucas came back to him. "Can I? I really," his eyes flicked down to the neck of Lucas' shirt, hands firm and sure on his hips, "really want to."

Lucas knew he was being stupid, but he couldn't help it. "Okay, just...don't get too excited, alright?"

Damien laughed, shaking his head. "Way too late for that."

He pulled Lucas' shirt up over his head and let it fall to the floor. Lucas held his breath. Damien's eyes were on him in seconds, trailing from his throat all the way down do the waistband of his pants, and then with a seemingly Herculean effort, he pulled them back up to meet Lucas'. His tongue flicked across his bottom lip, barely perceptible.

"Get on the bed."

Lucas swallowed. Shit, his voice was deep. "What?"

"Wasn't a question, Lucas."

Normally, Lucas would've said that he wasn't about to be bossed around by anyone, and was perfectly capable of making his own decisions. But normally, Damien didn't speak like that. Lucas found he was surprisingly quick to respond. He took his pants off as he went, kicking them to the floor, briefly getting tangled in his haste.

"Lube's in the drawer." He said, a little breathlessly. "And condoms." He'd bought them, in two different sizes, just in case. That had been a rather awkward trip to the drugstore.

Damien had settled onto the bed too, pulling the almost-naked Lucas onto his lap as his free hand retrieved the container of lube from his nightstand. He was still annoyingly fully clothed, so Lucas pulled away as he began to kiss along his neck, folding his arms over his chest.

"Take your shirt off." He swore he didn't sound petulant, but Damien grinned anyway.

"Well, since you're so desperate to see me naked—"

"You're ridiculous." Lucas muttered, even though it was perfectly true, and he was relieved when Damien obliged and pulled his shirt over his head, kicking off his jeans soon after.

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