Chapter 54 - Secrets and Second Hearts

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A/N: Minor mention of sexual content in these first couple of paragraphs


When Lucas woke up the next morning, he realised two things. One, he was completely naked, with Damien's arm wrapped around his waist and his face pressed into the crook of Lucas' neck. And two, it was 7:10. He'd forgotten to set all his alarms (he had three, spaced five minutes apart, just to be sure), and school started in twenty minutes.

"Damien." He whispered, to little response. "Damien, get up."

Damien didn't stir. Downstairs, Lucas could hear the sounds of Mark starting up the blender for his morning smoothie. When had he come home? He hadn't seen them this morning, had he? Since the door was closed, Lucas assumed they were safe.

But he still had school in twenty minutes, and since he'd never been late before, in all his four years of high school, he certainly wasn't about to start now.

"Damien," he said, with more force this time, trying to push his boyfriend off. "Damien, come on, wake up."

Damien's only response was to mumble something against Lucas' skin, something sleepy and incoherent, and pull him closer. Despite himself, Lucas smiled.

"Damien, we need to get up. It's Monday, we've got school, and if we don't hurry we'll be late."

"Don't care." Damien murmured, leaning forward to sleepily kiss Lucas' cheek. "Let's skip it." His voice was thick with sleep, and Lucas could feel it rumble in his chest as he spoke.

"I'm not skipping school, don't be ridiculous."

Damien only buried his head in the nape of Lucas' neck, kissing the bare skin in between his shoulder blades. "Five more minutes?"

The offer was tempting. Damien was so warm, pressed up against his back, and the bed was so cosy, and suddenly school seemed very far away. How long would it take him to get to school anyway? Maybe if he ran, or managed to catch a bus...was five minutes late really so bad?

Downstairs, Lucas heard the sound of something very heavy hitting the kitchen floor, and then Mark, swearing profusely. Lucas sighed. The outside world called, a constant reminder that there was a universe outside him and Damien and the beating of their hearts.

"We can't miss school. Come on, we're not even dressed, how do you expect us to get there in twenty minutes? Probably less now..." Lucas said, half to himself. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. Where had he put his glasses? He didn't remember taking them off, actually, so was surprised to find them folded neatly on his bedside table. He slid them onto his nose.

After battling some sleepy resistance from Damien and the traitorous part of his mind that would've stayed for the whole day, Lucas managed to clamber out of bed. Damien did not. Instead he watched as Lucas put his foot down on the floor, straightened up, and realised that it hurt. More of an ache, really, like muscle pain after a work out (not that he'd know too much about that), but enough of a surprise to make him grab hold of the bedpost to support himself. His legs didn't feel so steady.

"Something the matter?" When he turned back, he found Damien with a smug grin on his face, looking incredibly pleased with himself. "You're walking a little funny."

"And whose fault is that?" Lucas reached up to stretch, and winced slightly. "I have to sit in class all day, you asshole." But he couldn't put any heat behind the words, rolling his eyes as he pulled on a pair of boxers.

"Pretty sure you weren't complaining last night." Damien replied. "And I definitely would've heard it if you did. You were so loud, especially with all that 'please, fuck me, Damien pl—"

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