A search

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Diogo laughs slightly, his eyes glancing down to his bag.

"Windows in here locked, then those two doors, we go out of that one and make our way around the house." 

Oscar points between them as he talks. "The stairs? What is your plan for if when we walk out of here and lock the door they walk down and hide in here?" 

Diogo glances at them, he hadn't considered that.

"Good point, you sit here with the gear and watch the stairs. We will check through the house. I mean watch it, Roland, you have a habit of thinking you have time to do shit and miss something important." Oscar turns taking the bags from Diogo and giving them to Roland.

"Need shit from them first." Moving Diogo goes through the bags, pulling out a few things he stands up. "Now if there is a signal we can track it. Any bugs, camera's and whatnot." 

Jax nods to him, walking out they shut the door, slowly walking around the house. 


Turning Jax looks at Diogo confused.

"Something is in here I keep getting a reading." Diogo moves, glancing around as Jax and Oscar do. A few minutes later Oscar moves, pulling the small wire from behind the photo.

"Got it, shall I smash it?" 

Diogo shakes his head snatching it out of his hand. "No, can use it and see if I can trace where the signal goes to." He places it in the bag and they carry on, Jax shaking his head, maybe they were wrong and no one is in here? Surely had there been they would have found someone by now? Walking into the room Melodie is asleep, Jax and Diogo walking around checking it, their heads shaking to each other. Walking out they stop.

"We had to have missed something. Where have we forgotten or what have we forgotten?" Oscar looks at them, unable to accept that no one is here.

"Maybe no one is here, we got all the bugs, that is good."

Jax looks at Diogo. "No, I agree. That guy was a distraction, to make us realise how easy they can get in and hide. Testing the waters, something is missing." Jax glances around confused, what is he missing?

"Any chance the tunnels are still open? Remember Jax, you and Adrian used to go through them to the guest how to scare people. Where is the entry in this house?" 

Jax looks at Diogo, he had forgotten about that. 

"Basement." His head shakes. "It all fits, he was in the basement, other people are walking around, they are using that tunnel to get in and out. I doubt any guy could fit in the smaller ones in this house that go from room to room." He wouldn't that is for sure.

"Okay, well we check the tunnel and guest house." Diogo walks forward and stops. "That won't work, where are the doors to the smaller ones in the house? We need to block them off, if someone is using them, what rooms can they access?"

Jax's shoulders shrug. "My old room, parents, the room that is now Melodie's studio and what is the cinema room. That is what it used to be anyway." Walking to his old room he opens the door. This room creeps him out, everything is how he left it when he ran from here. 

"Back of wardrobe." Jax points watching as Diogo goes into it, a few minutes later walking out.

"Sealed, I doubt any guy can crawl through there but that doesn't mean a woman can't. The plan is to drill screws through all the doors so the only way out is breaking a wall, which will be heard." They have no one small enough to send in to walk through it all and check. Diogo glances at Oscar. 

Fallen Between Book Two - Melodie's WhispersWhere stories live. Discover now