Chapter 4

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*Year 5*

🌕/Random Night Of Full Moon\🌕

"Hey guys!" I yelled over to Sirius, Peter, and James, "Do you know where Remus is?!"

"No!" Was the reply.

I walked over to them.

"Maybe he's in the hospital wing? He did seem a little sick all week." I suggested.

"Are you missing your boyfriend??" Sirius smirked

"He's not my boyfriend." I said, blushing.

"Let's go look for him." James said, heading out the portrait hole.

We followed him and searched the school. Sirius then looked out the window.

"Isn't that him?" He said, pointing.

I looked, "Yeah. I wonder what he's doing near the Whomping Willow?"

We snuck out, and followed him. He went into a small hole at the base of the tree. We waited a bit, then followed.

When we got to the end, we were at the Shrieking Shack. I saw Remus go into a room. We followed.

"What are you doing here!!!" He yelled when he saw us.

"What are you doing?" Sirius asked.

Remus gave a wolf like snarl, "Go! Your not safe! I might hurt you!"

We started to leave as Remus transformed into a wolf like creature. We ran back to the common room.

"H-h-he's a werewolf...." James muttered.

"I'm gonna go to sleep..." I said in a small voice, hearing a howl.

James and Sirius nodded. Peter squeaked.


I yawned, nearly forgetting about last night. Key word - nearly.

I walked into the boys room to find James and Sirius interrogating Remus.

"Are you or are you not a-!" Sirius started.

"I am. Now shush!" Remus cut him off.

I walked up to him, "Why keep it a secret?"

"Because, I'm a m-monster." Remus said quietly.

"You're being dramatic. You fold your socks, Remus. Forgive me if I'm not trembling at the sight of you." James said.

Sirius laughed.

"It's true. Your not a monster. Your amazing." I said, the last part I muttered.

Remus smiled slightly at me, "Thank you all for accepting me..."

I smiled back and hugged him.

"I have an idea! Why don't we become Animagus! Then we could be with you when you transform." James suggests.

Remus trys to protest but gets overruled by me, Sirius, and Peter.

"I'll find a spell!" Sirius says, rushing off to the library.

/Little Time Skip Till He Comes Back\

"Back!" Sirius pants, holding a book.

He opens it to a page then takes out his wand. He mutters a spell, followed by the rest of us, excluding Remus.

There's a strange feeling in my bones. I close my eyes. When I open them, Remus is taller then all of us. James is a stag, Sirius a big black dog, and Peter a rat. I looked at a mirror and saw a medium sized coyote.

We all transform back, mostly. Peter still has a rat tail, James still has antlers, Sirius has paws, and I have coyote ears. We concentrate and are fully back to human.

"Now we need code names." James suggests.

"How about.... Wormtail for Peter. Cause he's a rat and all." Sirius suggests.

We all nod.

"And James will be..... Prongs?" I say.

Again we nod.

"Padfoot for Sirius." Remus says.

"Moony for Remus." James.

"And......... What for Silver...?" Peter says.

"How about..... Moonsong? Because coyotes come out at night and she has a great voice." Remus says.

I smile and nod, "That's good."

---Third Person---

They started to call each other those names for the rest of the year. Every full moon, they followed Remus out to the Shrieking Shack and helped him out as a werewolf. They created a map of Hogwarts, enchanted to tell where people are at that time. They called it the 'Marauder's Map'.

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