(ShuQi) Card

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"You look like a walking dead again, what time did you sleep this time?" Yuqi said as she she looks at her best friend.

Shuhua rubs her eyes and yawned from exhaustion. "Around 4 in the morning, I guess."

"4!? You should take care of yourself if you want those high grades you want so much." Yuqi looked worried but it was too light for Shuhua to even notice.

"Study had nothing to do with staying up late." Shuhua threw a smug face mocking Yuqi a little.

Yuqi just scoffed a bit.

This was their daily routine. Yuqi and Shuhua would head to school together, sometimes Shuhua waits for Yuqi but most of the time it's Yuqi who waits for her.

Shuhua had always been known as someone pretty in their school. Everyone would fall for her amazing personality and her kind self.

They arrived at their lockers.

Shuhua opened hers only to find a red decorated card. "What's this?" She took it out.

"Looks like it's another admirer of mine." She shrugged it off and put it in her bag.

She didn't notice her friend's change in expression.

"Aren't you even gonna try opening it?" Yuqi asked Shuhua as she began to walk away.

"Nah~ I'll do it later." Shuhua didn't mind her best friend and just headed off to her class.

To be honest, Shuhua hated the fact that she had many taking a liking to her and the one person she actually considered as the person she loved is the person who would always treat her as a friend.

"What do you have in store for me secret letter?" Shuhua said as she scanned the card in her hands.

It was red with a golden seal, like the ones you see in movies. It's exactly her type of mystery things but Shuhua didn't want the person she actually likes to see her opening a message from a pursuer.

She took the deal and opened the letter.

They say one can feel hurt just by admiring,
Well upon seeing you that hurt went burning,
Knowing that I'm not a choice worth pondering,
I just admire you knowing the pain I'm feeling.


"Woah... This is actually kinda sad, it seems like they're pretty good at writing too." Shuhua looked at the back of the page as if she'll see something.

Unlike her previous admirers this one seems kinda good. This stranger seems to know her quite well, because they knew she loved poems.


"Why do you seem so out of it?" Yuqi asked Shuhua who was staring at nothing for almost 10 minutes now.

"Oh umm... I'm just thinking about the person who sent me the letter in my locker this morning." Shuhua turned to look at her food.

"You read it?" Yuqi smiled upon hearing her friend's remark.

"Yeah... The person is a mystery I guess but they seemed to know that I like poems so that's a plus point for them." Shuhua began to eat her food.

"Was the poem good?" Yuqi inched closer anticipating the younger's response.

"Yeah, it's my style actually. It's not that complicated but seems like it held a good meaning." Shuhua was not focusing on her food nor Yuqi.

Yuqi just smiled at Shuhua.



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