(Miyu) GDA drama

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I heard the sound envelope the salon as I was sitting in front of the mirror. I didn't really mind it this morning but this is getting out of hand.

"Yuqi-yah, can you lower down your tone." I said to her that was beside me.

I didn't bother seeing her reaction but never did I know Yuqi was staring at me through the mirror. I opened my eyes to meet a pair that seemed cold.

Yuqi was still looking at me.

"Wha-" Without me finishing the sentence she stood up from her seat. She stomped her feet on the ground as she walked through the salon.

What's wrong with her?

I looked at the other members who were also in the shop. They were looking at the upset Yuqi who stormed out, then looking to me who was beside her.

Soyeon have me a confused face and mouthed. What was that?

I don't know. I replied to the leader.

After we got our hair done we went to the event location right away. Yuqi and I were seated far away from each other so we didn't really have time to talk.

As we went down the cars were directed to the changing rooms.

I was about to change into my clothes when I ran into Yuqi at the changing room.

She didn't spare me a glance and just walk pass me.

"Yah!" I said to her.

She turned back to look at me but didn't say anything and proceeded to walk again.

I was surprised by how she completely ignored me.

"What happened?" Minnie who was headed to the changing room asked.

"I dunno, she's just over reacting." My temper today seemed too short as well. I'm usually calm with Yuqi's child like attitude but it seems like I'm getting affected by it.

The waiting time got longer than expected as the staff needed to fix the stage. We were waiting at the room when everyone started eating their dinner while waiting.

All of the members were there seated in a circle. Yuqi and I were in front of each other at the edge of the table.

"Yuqi-yah, are you feeling okay now?" Minnie asked her while she was eating slowly.

"A little bit but I can manage don't worry." She looked at Minnie for a second then went back to munching her food.

I looked at her across the table but she never looked at my direction.

The four members in a whispering spree while the two were silently eating.

"What should we do?" Minnie mouthed to Soyeon.

"I don't know, you guys have plans?" Soyeon said to the three.

"How bout we lock them in a room and keep them there to dawn?" Shuhua whispered to Soojin.

Soojin just got Shuhua's shoulder. "Locking somebody up is not always the answer Shuhua-yah."

"What should me do then?"

"Let's just let them solve this on their own." Soojin suggested.

"You think they can do that?" Soyeon asked her.

"Of course, they can, they're old enough to reconcile by themselves."

"If you say so, we just don't wanna see the two all sulky again." Soyeon replied then proceeded to eat her food.

As the rehearsal began we were at the back stage fixing our make ups. The others were talking to I-talk and having fun. Meanwhile Yuqi was talking to those make-up artist that I now will hate forever.

I went to the other members. They were taking about random stuff so I wanted Yuqi to hear what I wanted to say too, so I said it loudly.

"My ego today is a lion." I wanted to play it off as a joke but hoped Yuqi would notice that I was mad.

Minnie teased me though she knows what's happening. This friend of mine is one joker.

We were finally putting the mics on when I finally spotted Yuqi alone.

"Let's talk." I went to her.

"Talk about what?" She replied in a stern way.

"I'm trying to fix your childish mind  Yuqi, c'mon."

She put her hands on her waist.
"Childish? Me?"

I crossed my hands to make a stand for myself as well. "Yeah, the way your acting right now is just.."

"What? Just what?" She mocked me with her tone. I was angered by her expression but luckily a staff said something.

"Everyone, were on cue in 10." A director said.

"Ne~~" We both replied.

We didn't finish the conversation. She just sighed and walked away.

Aish that kid.

We were in stage waiting for the line up when Soyeon went between us. She knew Yuqi and me beside each other right now is a bad thing.

Soojin on the other hand went to my  side smiling at me.

I looked at Yuqi worriedly. This is the first time she really is completely ignoring me. And I just added flame to the fire because I talked to her earlier.

I looked down on the floor, luckily Soojin immediately picked up on what I'm feeling and cheered me up. She nudged me a little and smiled to me.

After our schedule for that day we went to the dorms quietly. No one dared to speak. The silence was excruciating but it's better than a fight.

We all went to our separate dorms so it looks like our little fight will last longer.

I was taking off my make up when I heard our door open.

I thought it was just another member so I brushed it off.

As I went out to get some food I was surprised by who was at the kitchen.

It was Yuqi.

She looked at me then turned away.

"Are you really not talking to me?" I asked her again while I went near her entering the kitchen space.

She didn't say anything but went to the fridge and took out a bottle of water and tried to go out the kitchen room.

What's her problem? This is freaking annoying now. And it's starting to make me angrier.

"Yah! Song Yuqi, are you really gonna ignore your girlfriend like this?" My saddened tone echoed to the kitchen.

She was almost out of the kitchen but stopped as she heard me.

She sighed deeply and began to move again.

"Yah-" I was fumming with anger by the thought of her going again but instead I felt her hugging me.

She patted my back and caressed my hair.

"You know you shouldn't tell a sick person to shut up." She said and pulled back to see my face.

She wiped the little tear that was forming in my eyes.

"And I'm supposed to be the one that's angry but I don't get why I'm the one comforting you now." She chuckled and kissed my forehead.

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