Befriend your inner wolf

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This chapter contains various points of view. Enjoy ^^

Cassidy's POV

Getting a text from Alex saying that she wasn't going to school surely damp my mood by a lot. Walking towards my car a pair of soft hands covered my eyes. The person didn't speak but, I could hear the giggles.

"Clover if this is your funny way to ask for a ride then..." My voice was cut by the voice I have missed so much.

"Ewe.. the only thing me and Clover have in common is the blond hair". She let go of my eyes and my body quickly turned around.

"Oh my god! Molly!?" I jumped on my sisters warm embrace making her giggle. "The one and only". When she put me down I hit her arm. "Ow" what was that for?" She faked hurt, rubbing her delicate arm. "You have been gone for over a year! When did you came back from UCLA?".

"Last night, I wanted to surprise you". Words can't explain how much I have missed my sister, besides Clover she was the one I told all my problems to. She is twenty years old now, and we don't get to see her as much since she transferred to UCLA.

"You should skip school today, so we can catch up!!". Smiling from ear to ear I nodded. There is plenty to tell her. We both got into my car, and drove to the nearest cafe. When we got there the place wasn't as full as I actually expected.

"This place is nice, wasn't here when I left, it would have been a good high school hanging out spot".

"It opened last year, I come here with the girls and yes it's pretty good". Sipping on our coffees we took a table on a corner by a large glass window.

"So tell me Cassie, what's new in your life?"

My mind formed a little knot at those words. Many things have happened.

"I broke up with Jackson". I took a sip of my steaming coffee while looking at her light hazel eyes. Molly is almost an exact replica of our mom.

"I didn't like him for you anyways, what made you dump him?" Well that's an easy answer. "He was cheating on me, I found out at a party we went together".

"Such an ass" she murmured under her breath. "That's not all isn't it? I look into her eyes, what will she think of the truth once is out. It's not like I'm embarrassed because Alex is such an amazing person, I'm just scared that my family won't be able to see how great she is and judge me for it.

"There's someone else". A smile appeared on her face and I know what she's going to say next.

"Tell me all about him!" Taking a deep breath slowly my words began to form better inside my head.

"Alex is amazing,... caring, loving, sexy. Truth is that I might be falling because every time we are not together,... I miss her and can't wait for the moment I get to see her again".

Molly's expression held tenderness and care. "I kind of always knew you didn't liked boys all that much". This made me stare hard at her, how could she know, when I didn't even know myself?"

"Explain". Was all I could say.

"Well Jackson was an major ass, but he was pretty hot and not even once you got excited that you were in a relationship with him, not to mention that you never wanted to have sex with him. Also every time you went out with me and my friends you looked a lot at Kristy. You were always complementing her eyes. So my point is Cassie, even if you didn't knew you were checking out girls, you were". Molly took a sip of her coffee like it's no big deal. I remember I used to found Kristy good looking, but was I really checking her out? She has an nice butt though. Okay so not the point right now!

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