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Bria's POV

Raven decided to not bother Alex at all. Which is good. The night fell and the beautiful stars began to shine brightly. It is about 9:00 PM. The rain had stopped a while ago so I decided to go for a run. This time instead of running through the woods, I decided to run in town. The lights just inspire me.

After running for an hour I came to a stop in the park. It's late, so is very vacant. Resting a bit I just decided to walk. I stopped once again when my senses were alerted by my favorite scent in the world. "Our mate is near" my wolf started to become impatient. I followed the scent to its source and saw her. I didn't make myself noticeable because there was a guy talking to her.

"Just give me your phone number" He said.

"My phone broke, just leave me alone". She was getting annoyed.

"C'mon a babe a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be alone in the park at this hour". My wolf sense what was behind his words. Making me want to rip him apart.

"Don't call me babe, you're disgusting". She stood up, but he grabbed her by her shoulder. That's when I came on the scene.

"Is there a problem here? I said, looking directly into his eyes.

"Nothing that concerns you bitch" I nodded and a smile crept to my face. Before he knew it, I grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and threw him hard to the ground, making his head hit it hard, he winced in pain. When he was laying there with one punch I sent him to sleep. 'Dumbass' my wolf hissed.

"Are you alright? I asked her.

"You- your eyes, they glow". My world stopped spining at her words. "It was just the lights of a car". She gave me a confused yet scared look. Then she looked at the guy passed out on the floor. "Let's get out of here". I began to walk and heard her follow me.

We entered a small diner, as we took a booth quickly a cute girl came to attend us. "Can I get your orders" her gaze was directed at me and she had a flirtatious smile plastered on her face. I heard Clover cleared her throat pretty loud. "I'll have a cappuccino" She had her eyebrows raised. Which made me smile. She's jealous. The girl wrote in her pad Clover's order. "What will you have cutie? She asked me. "I'll just have the same". She smiled at me and said that the order will be right up.

"Bitch". I heard Clover murmur, but I let it go.

"What were you doing alone in the park at this hour?

She sighed. "My home wasn't the most peaceful place, so I called Cassidy, but she wasn't answering, so I called Monique and told her to meet me there. We talked for a short period of time. Then she left and that creepy ass came to demand for my phone number".

Of course Cassidy is not answering, I said to myself. Her look became sad, now I regretted asking her. "I'm sorry". She gave me a beautiful smile. "Don't worry about it". When she said that, the same girl came out with our cappuccinos. She gave Clover her cappuccino then mine. Once again she had that smile on her face. "Don't you have like other tables to attend? This made me laugh. Clover's bitchy attitude made the girl frown at her and leave.

Clover and I have a complicated thing between us. When we first met each other, my wolf went crazy. So at this party that we both attended, she got a bit out of control with the alcohol, since I'm a wolf it doesn't affect me. She just kept throwing herself at me and saying sweet things. I gave in and we had sex. I regretted it after because she wasn't herself, and I was too weak to stop her. She didn't even remember the next day. All she remembers is waking up naked next to me.

"Snap out of it" She waved her hand in front of my face. "Sorry". She smiled at me and sipped her warm drink. Her smile makes all my insides burn. "What is it with your eyes? Her face turned serious now, making my nerves rise up. "It's complicated".

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