Introductions and surprises.

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Alex's POV

As the clock kept ticking, as the gray clouds in the dark sky kept passing by, my eyes were as open as the full moon soon that'll approach us and shine upon us. Just like her my eyes have that spark in them. Only because the love of my life was asleep here in my arms. She will never understand the love I feel for her. She loves another person I'm aware of that, yes I felt bad about her being with someone else but she looked happy. What angers me is that I am willing to give my soul for her and that douche had her heart and he broke it, let alone he is abusive. She looked surprised so that meant it was the first time he harshly approached her. That'll never happen again, not on my watch.

*Two weeks later.

The full moon is just a week from now. I've been training with the guys. Tonight is the night when the alpha gets back from his business trip. Tonight I will be face to face with the man that changed my life, hopefully for the better. Kylie said to not be afraid, Mark has been distant all these past days. He hasn't hung out with us or talked to us. Is getting us a bit worried, but maybe he needs some space. I tried to talk to him at the training sessions, but he only talks the essential.

It's October 15th and some guys are going crazy about a Halloween party that will be on the 31st. This school just has party after party. But that Halloween party is the biggest of the year and the most famous. People tend to get crazy that night.

Cassidy has been distant, not that we were close in the first place. That morning she just left early after eating breakfast at my place. I knew that it was going to happen, but I did absolutely nothing to her. She sometimes glares at me, and when we make eye contact she gives me a small smile, but other times she just ignores my existence. But she has always ignored my existence. I guess I was bummed out cause my mind thought that 'maybe' something was going to change between us, guess not.

Even though is colder outside Jamie said she needed to talk to me, now we are here sitting on the benches at the football field.

"How are you Alex?" She asked out of the blue.

"Guess I'm alright... how about you?" Is weird talking to her like this, as if we haven't talked in months.

"I'm good, she sighs. Alex you seem different, have you been having problems again? You know you can always talk to me". I see where this is going already.

"No, you know I'm over that J'. It's just that I've been really busy with the new softball thing and stuff." I hate lying to her, but is not like I can tell her why I haven't hung out lately with them.

"What stuff Alex? You used to tell me everything. You've been hanging a lot with Bria and her sister. Not to mention that you're a lot closer to Mark. Not, that is a problem, but I miss you, we all miss you." She really looked concerned and worried.

"They're cool, that's all, you have your boyfriend which I love cause he is my friend too, but I don't want to be all the time the third wheel. Penelope is always with someone. So that just leaves me with Mark right?"

"You're saying that we are not cool for you anymore? And if you felt like the third wheel I'm deeply sorry for that. It was never my intention to make you feel that way".

"It's not like that Jamie, we just became close, and it's okay, I guess, is just that I kind of missed you too." She gave a cheeky smile and hugged me.

"Well, I don't want you to feel left out cause is not like that ok? I'm not saying that you can't hang with other people, all I'm saying is that you don't leave us behind specially me. You're my sister and you know that damn well." That reminded me that I haven't told her about what happened two weeks ago with Cassidy. Better get her on the weird loop.

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