CH 17

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Rei looked the troublesome trio weirdly while she, Meicoomon and the whole digimon eating quietly their foods then Impmon sighed.

"Make sure that those brats never watch the most saddest animes that they never watched before or else there would be more than just water leaks, Libra brat."

The black haired girl sweatdropped at the avatar of gluttony who just get back to eat his blissful meat dish that Rei successful created this anime dish.

Then she looked to the boys with their digimon and Grim who had puffy eyes because they watched her favourite anime that Rei marked to her list.

'Huh, maybe its better that I should it but how can I continued to watch my anime when they wanted to watch more... Eh not my problem.' Rei shrugged.

As they finished their dinner and cleaned up the dining table, they decided to head back to their room to sleep and before Ace went to his room he gave the black haired tamer a quick kiss to her cheeks that made her confused why he did it unaware to Deuce who went up first.

"Sweet dreams, Rei." Ace grinned cheeky with a hint of light pink on his cheek and went quickly to his room with Ruby leaving a dumbfound girl behind who hold her cheek.

"What was that about?" Rei asked herself while she was burned up what he did to her and Meicoomon shrugged her shoulder.

"Who knows. But first we need to head back to our room to discuss first about you mental problems Rei."

Rei winced and Grim got curious what mental problems is like he didn't know much about it because he was too young to understand what's going on.

When they are in their large bedroom Rei explained to them what she had a unwell feeling tomorrow.

"So the reason why I drink time to time alone or with the Royal Knights is because whenever our work is pilled up, what plots it gonna be unhold to our future and I had a feeling that tomorrow is going to be the day I will have a 'deep sleep' for awhile." She explained while Meicoomon careful listen to her partner and Grim was sleeping on their bed.

"Is there another solution for that?" The orange cat digimon asked her hopefully because she doesn't want to lose her again and Rei shaked her head in disapointment while she smiled.

"No there is no solution when I have to save them and this why I call someone in our digital world for help."

Meicoomon dropped her ears down when she heard that and sighed how reckless her tamer would be that she refused the future she had seen in her eyes when it had to do with her precious ones.

"Rei? Who is this person that is going to come here? There is no way that would be Erika because she lost her natural body to the eaters and it would be strange to come here, if I am correct she would be based the blue butterfly in wonderland from Lewis Charol." Meicoomon wonders about it that made Rei chuckle.

"Well I was hoping for Rina to come here but someone beat her to it."


"The one who put ends to the two armies, Commander Yuu."

The orange cat digimon wided her eyes as if she mention the fellow heroine like themselves.

"That's... Good to know that the older woman is going to support us." Meicoomon was somewhat relieved that the happy go lucky tamer Rina wouldn't come here yet or else V.V would have a headache because of it what she would to here for giggles and shits.

Somehow Meicoomon felt something that she would regret it what she thought about it.

"Any reason why Yu want to do this? I mean we didn't interact her that much and want to know her intentions why she want to come here." Meicoomon asked in suspicious about the strange commander who vanished one year ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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