School and Parents

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Everyday I wake up I dream of myself in a prom dress and crowned homecoming queen but,instead I'm stuck in a town called Denver,Colorado where having no!!!!!! Social life is a crime to humanity. I want to prove that a girl like me from Tennessee could come here with no friends and win homecoming queen and dance with the most handsomouse guy ever Lawrence barker a top student like me only difference he had friends and I didn't considering that I was richer than most of the kids in my class. Today as I entered the class I could here people whispering for what maybe because I had my hair done or I'm wearing a name brand clothing or just for the pure fun of it, I sat next to Greg Mitchell the biggest jerk inside class and my arch nemesis mainly because them picking on me was because of him. When school was out I walked home or I should say run being scared for my life I will get hit with a routing egg or splashed with muddy water when i finally arrived my mom Silvia asked me how was my day as always I said great knowing it was horrible but I still put on a brave face. After sitting down at dinner getting a lecture on getting ready to go to Harvard when I'm only in junior high school I went up into my bed and hoped that the next day would be better even though I seriously doubt it. So the next couldn't be any more worser than the last. I got tree sticks stuck in my hair and mud stains on my clothes and to make it worst we had a blackout which made it iflowers. for me to bath unless it rained my life was a trainwreck juggling my over achiever parents and high school dramna queens n kings life couldn't be any worser. After having such a horrible day i taught I needed some prayers from my pastor, Pastor Niel Ellis ⛪, but all he told Me was that everything would be alright even though I knew that it was a flat out lie. In dispear I turned to the one person to give me guidance my cousin Maggie flowers, but what she told me wasn't any different than what I got from pastor Niel Ellis , but she gave me a good explanation maybe I need to change my look from geek to cheek. The next morning I borrowed a few clothes from my next door neighbor Jennifer, tried them on and carried as few clothes as possible so my mom wouldnt notice . When I stepped out of the bathroom and went by the mirror. I wore a lavender spaghetti strap shirt with a crop top that said be you an a short pants and high heeled boots with a Gucci purse and some sun glasses. I was amazed at myself, because for wants I looked as if I came out of a movie. So the morning after that I wore the 2 pair ofclothes Jennifer gave me and can I say I was on fire . As I walked out of the house for once in my life I was unrecognizable the neighborhood boys stared at me and the most popular boy and girl actually waved at me. I knew I sayed earlier I didn't care if I had any friends but, now at this moment I don't care because I might have a chance to be POPULAR. As I entered the school all eyes was on me even Lawrence Barker the most cutest boy in the school and the one I fantasize about going to prom and sharing the king and queen dance with , and to make things better he asked me if if I wanted to sit with him at lunch my answer a total YES . After class I went to sit with Lawrence like he asked me to. While we sat down together with 5 others Lanae, Catherine, Josh , Melony and David most of them were couples like Melony and David and Josh and lanae. I hope that one day I can be a couple. Me and the others talked about are life and are parents and are crushes but for that topic I didn't answer. Some of the kids at the table found it strange, but they just ignored my me and my silly excuse on why I didn't want to answer the question. School bell ringed and all of us Pathed are ways. I head over to 4th period class I had Mrs Bennett are English teacher.

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