Study Date (Chp.8)

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"Y/n?? Are you okay??" Toga asked in a concerned tone and grabbed your hand to try and calm you down. You look at her in the eyes and luckily you slowly began to settle yourself down. "I uh- yeah I'm fine.." you reply. "Hmm. All that because of a question. If that one question made you start freaking out like that... it must be complicated." she says. "Yeah something like that." you said as you pulled your hand away from hers and went over to the bathroom to get into your pajamas. "So... do you know the answer to the question...?" Toga asked quietly as you were getting changed in the bathroom. "Yes. I mean- no... uh- I'm not sure, actually..." you say in a disappointed tone. You walked back out to the bed and laid down. "Well I'm sure sooner or later you'll figure it out." Toga replies as she turns off the lights and hops back in bed.

You didn't get much sleep that night from overthinking the whole situation. You woke up with bags under your eyes. You lazily get up and put your school uniform on. At least it's Friday... you said to yourself. You continued walking out into the living room and made yourself a rather large cup of coffee. "Woah y/n are you sure you need all that coffee?" a voice said to you from the couch. It was Dabi. "Yeah definitely. I didn't get much sleep last night so I'll need all of this to get me through the day." you replied. "You okay? Something on your mind?" he said with a concerned look on his face as he got up from the couch and started walking over to you. Your eyes widened. "Um no it's nothing important." you said hesitantly. "Okay well have a good day at school y/n. Take it easy on the coffee, don't drink it all at once." he says as he gives you a hug. You laugh a little. "I won't, thanks. I'll see you later." you say as you head for the door. "Bye y/n." Dabi waves to you as you walk out and close the door behind you. And the day begins. You said to yourself.

You arrive at the school and walk into your classroom and sit beside Izuku and lay your head down on the desk. "Hey y/n! How'd you sleep last night?" he asks. You lift your head and face him. "Oh well that explains the huge cup of coffee... why didn't you get much sleep?" Izuku asks in a slightly worried tone. "Ohhh it's nothing. I was just caught up in thinking about something..." you reply as you lay your head back down on the desk. "Okay students! It's test day. I hope you studied and got a good sleep in last night." Mr. Aizawa speaks as he enters the classroom. You jerked your head up from the desk revealing a shocked look on your face. Oh my god. I forgot about the test! I didn't study! And I definitely didn't get a good sleep... you told yourself, slightly panicking. Well, more like really panicking, just in your head. "Ugh..." you groan as the teacher passes the papers around the class. "And begin." the teacher states as he zips up his sleeping bag and lays down on the ground. I have to do well on this test... I can't afford to get a bad grade. You said to yourself as you began filling out the paper.

About 45 minutes later the teacher woke up from his nap and looked up at the clock. "Times up." he stated as you finished the last question. Ugh I'm not too confident about this... you thought to yourself as everyone passed their papers up to the front of the classroom.

The end of the day*

You slowly got up drinking the last of your coffee and threw it into the trash can. "How do you think you did on the test?" Izuku asks as he ran up beside you. "I probably did terrible. I didn't study or get a good sleep in last night..." you replied. "Aww well that's not good... well hey! If you do get a bad grade on the test there will be make-up testing on Monday! I can help you study this weekend if you'd like!" Izuku says with a smile on his face. "Thanks Deku. I'll think about it." you said giving him a slight smile as you walked out of the building and headed back home. You started thinking about the test, and how you probably failed and that you would have to re-take it on Monday. Then you started thinking about Izuku and how sweet it was of him to offer to help you study. You smiled to yourself. But that smile quickly faded away when you realized, he can't. He can't come over to study because you live with the LOV! "Ugh..." you groaned to yourself as you kept walking. You began thinking about the fact that it was almost Valentines Day, and thought about Dabi, and if he would actually ask you to be his Valentine. It's not really like him to do that sort of thing... but you never know! Overthinking sucks. You said to yourself.

You finally got back home and went straight to your room. You felt your phone buzz and you saw a text from Izuku.

Izuku: So? Do you think I can come over and help you study?

You: I would like that, thank you. But we have to do it somewhere else, if that's okay with you.

Izuku: Oh yeah that's okay! Maybe you could come over to my dorm tomorrow and we can study there?

You: That sounds great! I'll let you know tomorrow when I'm heading over.

Izuku: Okay y/n! I'll see you tomorrow! Get some sleep tonight as well, okay?

You: Okay I will, thanks. Bye!

Izuku: Bye y/n!

You decided to lay in bed for a while, and play games on your phone and watch videos, since Toga and Dabi weren't home. Probably out on a mission or something... hurting people.

About 3 hours later you heard the front door open and heard some chattering. You got up from the bed and opened your bedroom door. It was Toga and Dabi. Finally they're back, what took them so long? Do I really want to know... you asked yourself. You shrugged it off and walked out to the living room where they both were. "You guys were out for a while, where'd you go off to?" you ask them. "We went on a surprise mission! It was really fun, I got to cut a person and taste their blood! And-" you cut Toga off. "Okay okay I get it! No need to know all the details, thanks." Toga laughed. They both had blood on their shirts from whoever they were fighting. Dabi got up and kissed you on the forehead before walking over to his room, probably to take a shower. Toga got up and went back to your room, to do the same. You sighed and followed her back as you continued playing on your phone. You laid in bed and looked at the time on your phone. It was almost 8. Which was pretty early, so you set an alarm for 10 to make sure you got enough sleep for studying tomorrow with Izuku. About two hours later your alarm went off and it startled Toga. "Ahh! What the heck was that alarm for?!" Toga yells. "Oh shhhh! I'm going to bed early tonight!" You whisper-yelled to her. "Goodnight Toga." you said as you turned off your phone and rolled over. "Tch, goodnight y/n." she replied before you drifted off to sleep.

The next morning you woke up around 11 and began to get ready to study with Izuku. You were actually pretty excited to hang out with him because you never really get the chance to hang out with anyone besides Toga and Dabi. Toga began to wake up and noticed you getting ready to leave. "Where are you going y/n? It's the weekend." she said in a sleepy voice. "I'm going back to the school to study for a test that I failed." you replied. "I'll see you later." you continued and you walked out of the room. "Okay bye y/n." she said quietly as you continued walking out to the living room. You decided not to get coffee because it was a most the afternoon already, and you had a large cup yesterday. You pulled out your phone to text Izuku and let him know that you were heading over to him.

You: Hey Deku! I'm heading over to the school right now. You ready to study?

Izuku: Totally! You know how much I love tests haha and this time I get to study with you! So that makes me happy. We don't really get that much time to hang out besides during school.

You: Yeah I get it. I'm glad that I get to hang out with you today though.

Izuku: Yeah me too! Hey maybe once we're done studying... we can go out to get lunch? Just to have more time to hang out before you have to leave, if that's okay with you?

You: Of course! That sounds like fun! I'll see you soon.

Izuku: Great! See you soon y/n!

You: Bye!

You put your phone back in your pocket and smiled to yourself. That kid is so adorable sometimes... you said to yourself as you continued making your way to the school.

Word Count: 1664

Editors Note: Sorry for leaving this on sort of an odd ending, but Happy Valentine's Day!! I decided to add Valentines Day into this chapter, because it just makes sense. Anyways I hope you have a good day today! I just wanted to leave a little note :)

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