The Beginning (Chp.2)

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The next morning you wake up and see Toga's still asleep. You walk out to the living room area and notice Dabi's already up. "Hey y/n." he says. "Hey Dabi." you reply yawning. You make your way to the bar area and make yourself a cup of coffee. As the coffee was brewing you sighed, realizing how settled in you were already. I could get used to this... you thought to yourself. "You ready for your first day of school?" Dabi asks. "Yes, dad." you reply jokingly. He scoffs.

You finish your coffee and walk back to Toga's room to put on the school uniform you received. As you're doing your hair you see Toga wake up. "Good morning sleepyhead." you say to her. "Haha good morning to you too y/n." she says back. "You ready for the first day of school?" she continues. "Yup. As ready as I'll ever be." you reply. You then finish doing your hair, grab your bag and put your shoes on. You say goodbye to Toga and Dabi on the way out. As you start walking towards your new school, you realize that you haven't told Alliana about the transfer. I wonder how I'm gonna explain this one. You thought to yourself. You continue walking and decide to text her after schools over. You'll have more time to talk to her about it after the school days over anyways. I'll miss her... I hope I can still see her every once in a while. You thought to yourself.

Skip to arriving at the school*

When you arrive to the school you receive your schedule. Wow this place is huge. You thought. You start walking to your class which is Class 1A. You open the door and walk inside. "Class, this is your new classmate that will be joining us today." the teacher exclaims. "Hi everyone, my name is y/n." you say towards the rest of the class. The teacher then points you next to a small green haired boy. You then walk over and sit next to him. "Hi!" the green haired boy says from beside you. "I'm Izuku Midoriya! Nice to meet you y/n!" he says in a sweet voice. "Hey Izuku! Nice to meet you too!" you say back. You both smile and continued class. During the duration of that class, several other people introduced themselves as well. Everyone was so nice.

Skip to lunch time*

It's now lunch time and you pick up your food from the lunch line. Izuku calls you over to sit with him and some of his friends you recognized from class. You smile and start heading over to them. You all got to know each other a bit during lunch and had a lot of fun. I like this school. You thought to yourself. Almost forgetting the only reason why you were there... Get intel about everyone so that the LOV can strike. You'd have to betray everyone. It kind of made you sad..but you had to continue on. It was only your first day!

Time skip to the end of the day*

As you walk out of the big school you get a text from your best friend. Oh right I need to tell her I switched schools... you thought as you continued waking.

Alliana: Y/n! Why weren't you at school today?!

You: Sorry... I should've told you earlier.

Alliana: What is it??

You: Well... I had to switch schools.

Alliana: WHAT? WHY?!

You: I can't really explain... sorry.

Alliana: Come on! I'm your best friend! You have to tell me! Please!

You: Well...

Alliana: Go on!!

You: I have a quirk, okay! I transferred to a school for heroes...

Alliana: Really?! That's so cool! But why didn't you tell me?

You: I'm sorry... I should've. I just thought that it would be better if I kept it a secret.

Alliana: I get it. It's totally fine. Besides, I think it's pretty cool! So, you want to become a hero?

You: Welllllll... not exactly.

Alliana: Whats that supposed to mean??

You: I'm just not sure yet. That's all. I wasn't planning on using my quirk unless I really needed to. But I had to transfer schools so I don't know what I want to do anymore.

Alliana: Well you would make a great hero y/n!

You: Thanks Ali.

Alliana: No problem! Sorry I have to go though, dinners ready.

You: Okay bye! Talk to you soon!

Well that wasn't as bad as it could've gone. You thought as you continued your way back to the old building.

You finally made it back to the base and you walk in. Everyone's sitting on the couch in the living area as you shut the door behind you. "Uh hey guys." you say nervously. "So? How'd it go?" Dabi asks. "It was fine. Made a few friends too. You know they're really nice, you should meet them. Oh wait- never mind." you say as you chuckle. Dabi shakes his head as he gets up and walks over to his room. "Tsk, whatever y/n." he replied. "Tsk, whatever y/n." you mock him as you head back to Toga's room. You walk in and see her sitting at her vanity doing her hair. "Oh! Y/n you're back!" she says. "Yep! I just got back." you reply. You then walk over to the bed and set your bag down. "Hey y/n, you wanna go out tonight? It's always so boring here... we never do anything fun." Toga asks. "Sure! I could use a fun night out for once." you reply. "Great!" Toga says with a big smile on her face.

Word Count: 950

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