11: Did You Wish to Be Fucked in This Alley

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I'm standing where I first saw the demon, wallet, keys and phone in my pocket. My car is where I left it. I start it and register the time as 12. Based on the sky, it's midnight. I pull out of the spot, feeling apprehensive about the price I'll have to pay for parking. It's only a few dollars more than usual indicating only 6 or so hours have passed. Did I hit my head and dream it all? Impossible. A life as dull as mine couldn't give rise to a fantasy like that.

At home, I change into my pajamas and climb into my own bed, falling to sleep. I'm up before my alarm sounds, sipping on my morning cup of coffee. I park in the same section of the garage near my work. Life goes on. Every day I park in the same section and every day I am disappointed when I get in my car and drive away without incident. Until one day, I don't.

I walk past my car out into the city night. I peer down alleys on back roads. Until finally I find what I am looking for. A group of dark figures occupy a dimly lit alley, the unmistakable sound of violence reverberating throughout.

"What are you doing?" I demand, running into the secluded dark area like a mad man. The group scatters, running in all directions. I get a look at one as he passes. He couldn't be more then 15. A boy sits against a trash can, blood running from his nose.

"You okay, kid?" I ask, offering a hand uncertainly.

"Yeah." He answers, getting up and wiping the blood from his nose as if it's nothing. He skulks further into the alley, uninterested in my help.

I go back to my car feeling stupid but more alive than I have in days. The next night I repeat the madness. With each alley I peer down, my heart races in anticipation. This time I break up a bum fight, both poorly kempt men running off at my presence. The next day, a woman punches me in the face for scaring her half to death while she's taking out the trash.

After a week of striking fear in the hearts of alley inhabitants, I'm feeling pretty confident. I hear the vague sounds I've come accustomed to. The sounds of distress in the night.

"Stop" I yell, like a cheesy super hero, running down the dimly lit outshoot behind what appears to be a bar. A woman is pinned against a dumpster by a large man. The woman looks barely conscious with mascara-stained tears streaming down her cheeks.

Grabbing the man's dirty leather jacket, I yank him back with all my strength. We both stumble back, me nearly falling on my ass. The woman slips to the ground as the man turns to face me. "What the fuck." He yells belligerently, tucking his dick back in his pants. He's a big guy with a mean looking mug made more menacing by the bright security light glaring behind him.

I gulp, scrambling to my feet. "Stay away from her." I demand with more confidence than I feel. Starbursts erupt, my vision splitting with my skull as his massive fist collides with my face. I'm on the ground, a heavy boot obliterating my entrails. I curl in on myself, protecting my abused organs, relieved by the sight of the woman stumbling away into the protective darkness. The burglar lights positioned above the bars back door seem even harsher now as my head pulses in pain and the repugnant biker continues to tenderize me with his boots.

The predator lifts me up by the back of the neck, forcing me against the side of the trash can. "Who do you think you are, pretty boy?" He breaths into my neck as he crushes his body against mine. My stomach churns as I am suffocated by the scent of alcohol and dirty leather. I push against the trash can in an attempt to make enough space to escape but am met with another dizzying blow to the head. The splitting pain of my skull being rocked has the desired effect of making me reluctant to continue resisting.

The weight of the man disappears. I turn, ready to fight, only to find repugnant man disappearing into the gnashing teeth of a leopard. Just the bottom half of him sticks out, his tiny pecker flailing. Mixed feelings are an understatement as I vomit, the world spinning a bit. When I look back the beast is gone replaced with a brutishly handsome man clad in leather, his pitch eyes stuck on me as he stalks toward me.

"Did you wish to be fucked in this alley, Little Hero?" he growls, pulling me close to him by my shirt then pinning me against the wall pressing his chest against mine. Looming over me, he fills my nose with his savory scent.


Thank you for reading(: 

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