The Confession

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(A/N:I got paint on my wall earlier and I got a bit of it off but I can still see it

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(A/N:I got paint on my wall earlier and I got a bit of it off but I can still see it. Someone pls help 😭 Anyways anyone wanna play roblox with me 😗✌)

Moon had invited a bunch of people to a party including the students from Miyagi Do and Cobra Kai. Tory was having a completion with some ransom person where they would drink alcohol while standing on a stool while trying not to fall. Eventually Tory won.

"Winner and still champion! Tory!" Miguel shouted.

"Whoo!" Tory cheered before stepping off the stool. She went up to Sam.

"Well look who it is. Maybe you'd like to play a little game? Or are tea parties more your speed princess?" Tory said.

"Just give me a cup." Sam said.

"Alright." Tory replied.

"New game." Tory said before standing up on the stool.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Robby asked Sam.

"What you don't think I can beat her?" Sam said.
"It's not that." Replied Robby.

As Tory finished her drink she noticed Sam struggling to stay on the stool.
"Too much for you to handle?" Tory asked Sam. Sam finished her drink and threw the cup the ground. They both got another drink and finished it without falling off the stool.

"How are you doing over there, LaRusso?" Tory asked.

"I could do this all night." Sam answered.

"Yeah? Hey big red, two shots of vodka." Tory said.

"Sam." Robby said trying to get her to stop.

"Just give it to me." Sam said.

The two both finished the shots but Tory ended up falling.

"Guess somebody couldn't hold their liquor, huh?" Sam said. 

"Tory are you okay?" Miguel asked.

"I'm gonna go clean up. Just leave me alone." Tory said before walking away.

Celeste then went after Tory.

 "Wait Tory."Celeste said.

"Just leave me alone for once!" Snapped Tory.

"Um okay." Celeste said awkwardly before walking to Aisha who was by the drinks.

Celeste then got vodka and poured it into a cup and finished it quickly right before getting another drink.

"Woah slow down there." Aisha said to Celeste.

"Fuck it." Celeste said before finishing another drink.


Demetri had just finished a speech where he embarrassed Hawk. Hawk,Aisha, and someone else were about to fight Robby and someone else but Moon went up to them.

"Guys stop. We're friends." Moon said.

"Oh, I smell a rumble!" Stingray said. Then people heard police sirens.

"Cops!" Someone shouted.
"Demetri, you got lucky. I'll see you in school." Hawk said.

Aisha ran out just to see Miguel and Celeste.

"Hey, have you seen Tory?" Celeste asked.

"No she must have already left. Come on we gotta go.

As Miguel and Celeste slowed down  she sat up against a wall and Miguel sat next to her.

"Can I tell you something?" Celeste asked.

"Yea. What is it?" Miguel said.

"I just wanted to say sorry. I've been a bit of a bitch to you lately. I feel bad for ignoring you or glaring at you. So sorry I guess." Celeste said.

"Oh it's fine. Why were you ignoring me though?" Miguel asked.

"I don't think I should tell you." Celeste said.
"Come on just tell me! It's the least you can do." Miguel said and Celeste sighed.

"Fine. But you can't tell anyone. You promise not to tell anyone?" Celeste said.

"Promise." Miguel replied.

"Okay. You remember what I told at school about going to Cobra Kai. About me being jealous?" Celeste asked.

"Yea. Why?" Miguel said.

"Well I told you that because she wouldn't stop staring at you." Celeste said.

"Tory?" Miguel asked.

"Yea. I wanted her to look at me but she wouldn't stop looking at you. And then I would go home and scream into my pillow." Celeste said.

"But Tory's a girl. Wait are you jealous that I've been getting to spend more time with her because I can-" Miguel said but Celeste cut him off.

"No it's not that. I have a crush on Tory." Celeste said.

"I'm gonna go home. See you tomorrow I guess." Celeste said before walking away.

(A/N: Yes the last part was inspired by stranger things 💀)

Just the two of us||Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now