first day

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Your POV:

It's surreal to arrive at the home of so many storries- Grey Sloan Memorial hospital. It's hard to imagine that so much I've heard about happened right here where I'm standing. I decide to take a second to process it all, because the 6 hour flight somehow didn't cut it. It's been a long day, the sun long gone, and a bit chilly. After a few moments I gather myself up and walk in. I see so many faces, and try to put the seemingly fictional names Addison told me to each person. But there's one very familiar face as I see Derek. As soon as he sees me he runs down the stairs and I drop my things as we find ourself in a hug. It's been so long, we used to be so close, but then the divorce happened and I didn't see much of him. We do the standard greetings and "how and you?" before he takes me to the locker room where he says I can put my stuff for now.

There's so much to talk about, I didn't realise how much I missed him. He leads me round to the attendings lounge and introduces me to 3 women. It was obvious due to my previous knowledge that the blonde woman who Derek kissed lightly on the forehead upon entering was Meredith; and then the others two introduced themselves as Cristina and Callie. I'd heard about them both from stories and in medical journals, both very acompished and good at what they do. All three pretty hot too, as described by Addison a few weeks ago over some white wine. A forth entered the room, Arizona. She came in yawning, with a coffee in one hand starting to complain about some parents before she notices me, smiles, and introduces herself. She is beautiful. Obviously worn out and rather ruff looking, but beautiful. She shakes my hand, and I realise that at some point I should probably say something so I return the usual greetings, trying to keep calm. I ask Derek to direct me to some showers to wash off as I feel like I need to take a second to gather myslef but the plan didn't quite work as he delegates the task to Arizona as he had to "talk" with Meredith's bout a consult.

I can tell Arizona is tierd and probably wants to just sit down, but she smiles happily. She leads the way and starts briefing me on a patient I am apparently going to be collaborating on with her. I probably should probably be paying more attention, but with the mixture of travellers exhaustion and my junior high style crush I just embraced the happy feeling I have fulfilling me. One we arrive to the showers so tells me to wait one moment, goes into a nearby cupboard, comes out, and hands me some dark blue scrubs. I thank her and head into the showers, wash off and place on my new scrubs.

I walk out and find my way to the Peds floor, in search of Arizona and our patient. I see her at the end of a corridor with a new cup of coffee and some charts. She notices me, and I blush embarrassed to be caught staring, and she signals me over. I get myslef together and walk over. She starts recapping on the patients history, her voice is rather raspy, I assume just from a long day, but I find it very sexy. But I know to be professional, Addison had told me about the abundant amount of love that goes around here, but also recommend to settle in before getting too excited. I tell myself off for keeping on zoning out, and Arizona teases me about it before placing a hand in my shoulder as we're both laughing. She gets that I'm tierd and the work is hard. The soft touch does more than it should for me, and our eyes lock for a second as I yet again tell myself off for over-dramaticising and over-romanticising it all.

She asks some questions about me, and I tell her about being friends with Addison, and having heard about people here but not knowing everyone. To my surprise, she invites me to Joe's after our shift is done- she's going with a few of the other attendings as it's Meredith's birthday. I accept probably over enthusiasticly, but she's naturally bubbly so I don't look too excited. I make my way though the shift, nothing too exciting mostly just getting familiar with cases. I spend most of my shift with Arizona, and I'd like to say we've become friends.

Arizona offers me a lift to Joe's, after I tell her I'll have to call a cab. And I feel comfortable enough to accept. Once we arrive, since it's a special occasion everyone has some classy wine. Arizona goes to the bathroom and I thoroughly enjoy getting to know people, including catching up with Derek some more. I offer to get some more wine for a few of us and walk up to the bar, a man come up next to me and palaces his hand on my hip. I instantly turn round, trying to identify him, but realising he's a stranher, I try to jerk his hand off. Yet he places it back, more firmly this time, and tells me to be quiet. He tugs me to the bathroom with one hand over my mouth. I try to get away but his grip is too tight. He puts his hand back on my waist and tugs at my shirt, placing one hand under.

At that point Arizona come out and I try to shout, signaling distress as she shouts at him, and people enter the bathroom and he leaves in fear. Arizona tells everyone to leave, and sits next to me in the cold floor. I'm crying, and she comforts me by placing an arm around me. I lean my head onto her shoulder, my silent tears fall onto her.

We sit in silence as she subtly rocks me like a smal child. I sit up, and appologise but she interups me and says I have no reason to be sorry, she reassures me for a bit, before I gather the strength and confidence to stand up. She takes my hand and tells me she's taking me to hers, which makes me feel better, and I realise she understands I can't be alone right now. The car ride to her apartment is rather quiet, but not awkwardly so. She drives with one hand still on my leg to provide a feeling of constant safety. She leads me inside, and says I can take her bed, and she heads to the couch with a pillow and some blankets.

It's been an hour or so and I still can't sleep, I gather Arizona can't either as I can tell the lights are on outside the room. I'm sitting up, crying again and I feel fragile, I'm not normally so emotional but it's been a long, tiresome day, and a lot has happened. I hear Arizona gently knock on the door and whisper my name and she comes in. I guess I am not crying as quietly as I thought. She asks me if I want her to say and I nod gently. She has changed into some jersey shorts and a t-shirt, her hairs down and she has bags under her eyes but still looks amazing somehow. She slides into the other side of the bed. I lay back down, she reaches and turns off the light. She puts her arm around me like she did before, and similarly I rest my head on her chest and she lays her head on mine. We both fall asleep...

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