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Author: FluffySLH#6158
Jake x Hailey

Resplendence: (adj.) splendid or dazzling in appearance.

She was so beautiful. Even when sitting in the cold February snow with my frozen and numb limbs, my heart was beating faster than ever, my cheeks flushed and red. The last of the glowing yellows and oranges slowly descended beneath the horizon, showering our once illuminated faces in a deep blue.

Everything was so perfect. I would give the world to be like this forever, just us two, lying in the twilight. I can't help but recall how much I prepared, how much I wished for this moment.

How much I hoped she would love me back.

I remember approaching Zander to ask him what kinds of candy she liked, so I could get the perfect thing to share. Ah, the memory makes me want to cringe so bad.

We stood in the clubroom. The air was tense, silence filling the room once I finished my little speech. Well, more like a plead for help. I stared at the ground, wanting to shrink under Zander's skeptical gaze as he spoke, "So, you made me stay back in the clubroom just to listen to you ramble about how you need to know Hailey's favourite candy."

"Y-Yeah." I grinned, rubbing the nape of my neck as I glanced up to Zander. He let out a laugh, "You're hopeless."

"Come on! At least help me out instead of insulting me." I rolled my eyes and let out an annoyed sigh. He looked as if he was about to spit out another insult. But he stopped himself, biting his lip and gazing down. After a moment, Zander let out an exasperated huff before muttering, "Fine. But you better treat her well."

I would've never been able to convince him it wasn't in that way. Then again, I'd be lying if I had tried, lying about how I hadn't found myself falling for every tiny thing she did, how I ached to see that shining smile on her face whenever she was happy.

Even after spending an hour after school setting up the perfect spot, I still was late. The school's events committee decided it would be a good idea to set up a giant heart, where people could anonymously place letters that professed their love to their crush.

I set up a bundle of blankets against the giant, shimmering heart, facing away from the school and towards where the sun would set, and the small box of candies was safely inside my school bag.

I had already called her and invited her to come there, but there was still a bit of time left, so I decided to grab some hot chocolate.

That was a dumb decision, but I suppose, in the end, it was worth it.

I could see the soft, pink and red glow coming from the fairy lights attached to the large heart. The glistening snow softly crunched under my boots with every rushed step I took. I stopped. My mouth agape as I gazed at the small figure in the distance.

She was staring at the evening sky. Her head tilted slightly upwards as she basked in the setting sun's brilliant rays. The snowflakes that gracefully drifted down around her slowed. It was as if time had stopped, the only thing being us, alone in the evening.

I blinked a couple of times, taking a deep breath and shaking off the rising heat in my cheeks.

"Hailey! Over here!" I raised a cold hand in the air, breaking into a small jog as I swiftly made my way over to her. She turned to her side, a pair of sparkling, gray eyes landing on me. A grin enveloped Hailey's expression, her features seemingly brightening when she did so.

"Jake!" She raised a hand, giving me a little wave as I approached. A mischievous smirk spread across her face as she gave me a soft elbow in the ribs, "What's up with you and being late. You're the one who invited me here, after all!"

"H-Hey! This time, it isn't MY fault! I didn't expect there to be such a long line at the cafe." I rolled my eyes playfully, placing a steaming cup of hot chocolate into her hands. She looked down at the drink, bringing it close to her chest.

"I'll let it slide just this once." She held up her cup for a cheer, her smirk replaced by a couple giggles at the interaction. If this was a cartoon, there'd probably be hearts shooting out my eyes. I could feel my heart explode at the sound of her small laughs while I bumped my cup against hers.

Her quiet humming filled the air as we quietly gazed at the setting sun. Wrapped in fluffy blankets, out in the cold. The falling snow dancing around us so gracefully. Why is it I notice all these tiny, miniature things when I'm around her?

"I wanna be loved..." She quietly murmured, voice barely audible, so euphonious, like an angel.

"...With your love," I couldn't help but notice how her deep, teal hair framed her delicate face. My heart was pounding out of my chest.

"Your love..." I glanced down at our hands... they were so close. Heat rose up into my cheeks.

"Your love." I reached out and grasped her hand. The humming abruptly stopped as she whipped around to face him, a startled look on her face.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my rapid-beating heart, "Look- uh, Hailey." My grip on her hand tightened, "I really like you. Like, as in- I... think I love you."

I could feel myself shaking in the cold, all the warmth from before disappearing in an instant as she stared into my eyes. Before I can comprehend it, I feel myself being pulled into a tight hug.

Her next words were ones I had only ever imagined I would hear.

"I love you too."

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