It's called being Romantic

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(Y/n) wheezed in laughter as Hardcase finished his story. Her laughter was contagious, to be frank, almost everyone in the small bar was laughing.

And that's how Fives and Echo found the pretty mechanic after going to half of the bars in Corasant trying to find them. Fives face tinted in pink at the sight of her as they slowly approached her. "Hey Mesh'la," Fives sat next to her. She beamed up at him, "Fives!" He glanced away feeling his cheeks heat further. His reaction made Hardcase bellow with laughter, "look at his face it's all red!" Echo elbowed Hardcase is a silent warning.

(Y/n) just bite her bottom lip, and tried to hide her growing laugh at the vods. "Don't worry I think it's cute," she nudged Fives lightly. His face only seemed to grow brighter at that, "shut the kirff up." She laughed putting a hand on her mouth to hide it.

Once (Y/n) was done laughing she patted Fives thigh, "I'm going to go get more drink." Fives nodded but didn't move out of the way, "alright." She grinned up at him, "Fives that means you'll have to move." His face went into embarrassment straightaway he cleared his throat and scooted out of the booth.

As she swaggered towards the bar she could hear Echo and Hardcase burst into laughter and Fives trying to shush them. She laughed lightly waving the bartender over, "two fire whiskeys, a blood moon beer, and a tangyuan fruit cocktail." He nodded and shuffled away.

"What's a pretty thing like you hanging out with the 101st?" She turned her head to see another clone, a magenta swirling around his armor. "They're good entertainment if anything," she smiled fondly over at Fives who had Echo in a head lock.

"Well," the clone said putting a hand in her hip, "I have something else in mind that wound be entertaining." She adjusted away from him slightly, "oh do you now?" He smirked, "oh yea, we could get to know either better."  She smiled tightly, "no thanks." The clone put out a hand on her thigh, "you sure sweetie."

His sickeningly sugary nick name made her uncomfortable, nothing like Fives.

A hard hand gripped the clones wrist, "sorry to interrupt, but I don't think she's into the creepy guy thing you have going on right now." She breathed in relief when she looked up and saw Fives, his gaze softening when he glanced at her. "I don't think your were apart of this conversation," the other clone sneered.

"And I don't think you have the right to touch her, " Fives tugged his hand away from her thigh, "but here we are." "You wanna fight Fives?" He growled standing up.

"Ey!" The bartender shouted over the bar, "none of that at my bar!" The clone glared then sulked away hands clenched.

He looked down put a hand on her cheek, "you alright?" She smiled leaning into the touch, "now that slemo is gone, yea." He snorted and rolled his eyes, "your hanging out with Ahsoka to much."

Shrugging she grabs the Cocktail and the whiskey. "Get Hardcases whiskey and your beer," she glanced back at him. He seemed to finally realize you had been wearing his dress because his eyes racked up and down you figure.

"Fives!" She said snapping him out of his gawking. He stood straight, "right, drinks." She smiled as his face turned a pretty shade of pink.

"We got the drinks," she smiled placing the cocktail infront of Echo. He smiled in appreciation, before taking a sip. She slid into the booth and took a swig of her whiskey. Echo scrunched his nose, "I don't know how you can stand that stuff." Hardcase took a swig of his and laughed, "because it's hardcore."

She smiled and laid her head on Fives shoulder. He slowly intertwined their fingers, listening and talking to his vods. They stayed there til early in the morning.

"Hey sorry to say," the bartender said, "but we're closing." Fives nodded, "alright we'll leave." You looked at your watch and yawned, "it's another forty minute drive back to base, wanna stay at my house."

Fives helped you out of the booth, "we couldn't, we don't want to impose." Hardcase, who was absolutely drunk, laughed, "that's ironic from you! You've been wanting to see her house for how long?"

Echo hit Hardcase over the head, "you two head out before us." "You sure," Fives asked. "Yea, go ahead," he scrunched his nose, "I'm gonna see what I can do about sobering him up before sitting in a taxi with him for an hour."

"Alright let's head out Fives," she said holding his hand. His face turned a cherry red and coated his throat, "what are you doing?" "It's called being romantic Fives, get used to it. I'm gonna do it allot more."

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