💋First Kiss👅

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(Y/N) sat on the floor, watching Anikin do push~ups. She couldn't keep her eyes off him, the way his body glossed over with sweat, made her bite her bottom lip. He was alluring, and of course she already knew that since the first day. She couldn't help but give a slight whistle, making him smirk. "What?" He asked standing up and walking over towards the senitor. "Hmm afraid I can't say, your Jedi laws forbid me from saying anything to sweet, in a frightful edge that you'll fall for me," she sighed putting a hand on her head, "what a shame."

He just knelt down in front of her. "What could I do to have you tell me?" " A kiss for my thoughts?" She asked teasingly. "I'll deal with that," he said getting closer to her. "Just kidding!" She said putting her hands over his mouth. Carefully he removed them and rasped, "I'm not."

And to (Y/N)'s total surprise he kissed her. And by the time she has processed it, he was pulling away. "Sorry it's ju-" but before he could finish apologizing (Y/N) rammed her mouth into his, making him fall backwards into the cold training floor.

The kiss was deep, they both could feel the radiation from each others body warmth. He had pulled her into him so she was straddling him, while put a hand on his chest and the floor. And by the time that they had finally pulled apart. Both were healing and clinging to either. "Well now I know who's the best kisser around," she joked making him give a small chuckle.


Here (Y/N) was laying on top of her closest friend sleeping away the holo-movie. And no matter how many times Obi wanted to move her, he just couldn't bring himself to. She layed there innocently making Obi have a internal struggle in his amazing brain. They laid there for three hours. Obi falling asleep after just a hour.

After the third hour, (Y/N) woke up. As her groggy mind came to the realization that his face was in view of touching. She waisted no time at all, as she started to trace every small line in his face. Admiring his cute little worry lines he'd gained over the many years with Anikin. His smile lines that were somewhat newer, because of her. She traced his face, and almost as if in a trance she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

As she pulled away she noticed the bright blue orbs of Obi-Wan. "I-I'm so sorry I know it's agai-" "You missed darling," he hummed shifting so he was closer. "What?" " I said, you missed, " he murmured closing the gap. "But I thought," she sighed breathing in his breath of mint. " What, that I couldn't be attracted to you? Just because I'm a Jedi," he whispered right before their lips brushed against each other. She hummed in response, before leaning forward and kissed him.

The kiss was soft, yet passion filled. His beard tickling her making her giggle through the kiss. He pulled away arching his eyebrow, "what?" "I'm just very ticklish!" She said giving a hearty grin. Messing the man, internally cursing her.

Captain Rex

(Y/N) knocked on Rex's room, "Captain you didn't come eat, so I brought you some food." She herd some shuffling and a grunt, "coming." And ( Y/N) couldn't believe her eyes when he opened the door. He wore no shirt with a pair of sweat pants. But that wasn't the surprising part, it was the scars that littered his chest and below that shocked her. He seemed to see were she was looking and sighed, "I can go put on a shirt if it makes you uncomfortable." "No!" She said a little to eagerly, earning a arched eyebrow from Rex. "I mean I just never expected so many," she whispered.

"Well come in," he said opening the door wider, "I'm almost done with my exercise." "Well thank you," she said looking around his room. It was clean, and neat but what else did she expect from someone like Rex. Rex motioned to the bed as he passed it, "you can sit there." "Ok," was all she could manage.

Her mind wandered back to his scars as she noticed the multi-dozon scars on his back. She stared at them for the longest time not realizing that now Rex stood right in front of her. "(Y/N)?" He said loud enough to break her out of her trance. "Oh sorry my mind was wandering," she said giving her silly grin. "You were staring at my scars again," he whispered avoiding eye contact with her. "Sorry if you don't want me to it's just," she trailed off. "What?" "Could I touch one?"

Rex looked down at the girl to surprised to respond. So all he did was a small nod. She reached out and right before she was going to touch his stomach, she looked up for one last reassurance. And with one last shy nod, she touched one of his scars. He looked nervous as she examined them.

Trailing her hand up it finely rested it on his color bone. And slowly Rex noticed small amount of tears running down her cheeks. "Sorry I don't know what came over me all the sudden," she laughed she was about to pull her hand away, but it was stopped. (Y/N) looked up surprised to see Rex resting his hand on hers. "Don't move it," he said leaning forwards. Slowly the female had her back against the small bed with the dominant male above her.

Rex slowly started kissing and nipping (Y/N)'s neck, working his way up to her lips. "Rex~" she moaned gripping his shoulders for support. And eventually they were kissing.

It was hard and passionate, enough to make the female whimper. And when they did separate both were heaving deeply, (Y/N) gripped on to Rex like it was her humanity.


Ahsoka sat there admiring her (Y/N), from was females lap. (Y/N) was sitting on the library floor reading, with her close friend staring up at her. Though she didn't care one bit on what Ahsoka was looking at, because she was far to interested in the book. Ahsoka said something but (Y/N) still wasn't paying attention. Well that was until Ahsoka snatched the book.

"Ahsoka! Come on I was at the best part Miriam Tailor and Audrey Rose were about to kiss!" she whined reaching up for the book. "If kissing is so interesting to you! Why don't you kiss me!" Ahsoka huffed. (Y/N)'s cheeks turned a rose pink, "A-Ahsoka! That's not what I ment!" Ahsoka couldn't help but giggle at the other girls adorableness.

"(Y/N) look at me," Ahsoka said. Slowly the other girl did as she was told, and was surprised when she felt a soft and warm pair of lips on hers. And when Ahsoka pulled away she gave a bright smile, "Sorry about that." ( Y/N) didn't respond she grabbed Ahsoka's shirt and yanked her back into her. Ahsoka was shocked at first, but soon grew into it.

The kiss was sweet, yet deep. Ahsoka bite (Y/N)'s bottom lip which caused a squeak of surprise. Which gave Ahsoka perfect timing to slide her tongue in (Y/N)'s mouth. Ahsoka explored every inch of the others mouth, as the other female sat there weakly clutching onto Ahsoka's clothes.

As they separated all that (Y/N) said was, "woah..."

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