Only human

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Kara's POV

'Do you have your flipflops?', Alex screams from the other side of the room.

My sister knows I always forget a couple of things when going on a vacation so she was so kind to make a list with essentials so that we could go over them together.


'Okay that was the last item I wrote down.'

'You're the best, Alex.'

'I know. I'm going to miss you.'

'It's only two weeks.'

'That's a lot when you realise we see each every day!'

'Maybe more reason for me to go. They say sometimes you have to miss someone for the bond to grow stronger! If I'm being honest, you ARE getting on my nerves lately.'

Alex punches my shoulder and laughs at me.

'Are you sure everything will be okay at the DEO?'

'Of course it will, J'onn agreed to be fulltime hero and you know with you gone, there is a smaller chance of starvation among people in National City.'

I let out a snort. I do eat ten times more than an average human. It turns out it's not even a Kryptonian thing because Superman has never had this problem.

'When does the plane leave?' Alex asks.

'Uhm in three hours I think.'

'Then you better move your ass.'

I stand up to give Alex a big hug. She wishes me a lot of fun and kisses me on the cheek. I can't wait to go to the beach, meet some nice strangers and just be able to be myself. No one will expect anything from me.

Lena's POV

'A holiday?! Jess, are you out of your mind?! Sorry, I didn't mean to personally attack you but I haven't had a holiday in like 10 years.'

'That's why you need one!'

'No, no it's impossible. The work doesn't complete itself.'

'I know, that's why you have me and all your other employees. Really, you taught us well enough to run the company for a few weeks. You deserve to see something other than your office view. You won't regret it.'

A very small part of me is considering. A VERY small part.

'Your plane leaves tomorrow.'


'And I have packed some things for you already. You'll still need to pack your clothes and other optional items. You'll go camping in France at a popular campside near the beach.'

'No, cancel it.'

I scoff. Making these arrangements behind my back. I simply can't afford leaving work.

'Come on, Ms. Luthor. We can handle this.'

I clench my jaw. Perhaps she is right. I established a team of professionals to run this company with me and not once have they disappointed me. But me, going camping?! I laugh at the idea.

'So I have to sleep in a tent?'

Jess grins. 'Yeah, back to the basics.'

The idea terrifies me but I also realise that this is perhaps what I need in order to remember what is actually important in life.

'Thanks, Jess. You know me better than myself sometimes.' She gives me a warm smile and says 'you're welcome' before turning on her heel to return to whatever she was doing before.

An hour later, I am racking my head over my bikinis. I am trying one on from years ago and it has gotten too big around my waist. Since I run Lcorp, I have lost some weight because I tend to skip meals sometimes. I look inside the suitcase Jess has gotten me and I smile at the sight of quite a small, black bikini. She really thinks about every single thing.

Suddenly I feel an unfamiliar feeling entering my body. It reminds me of falling in love for the first time. Excitement mixed with anxiety. Uncertainty about what tomorrow will bring is a new sensation for me. It's welcome, though, this one time.

Kara's POV

It's evening and it's still hot outside. I unfold my chair and sit down in front of my cyan tent with a sigh. It took me about an hour to set up the tent because I can't use my powers here of course. This holiday I am Kara and only Kara. I won't be using my powers for two weeks straight. No exceptions.

I let out another sigh and close my eyes. There are no car sounds, no trains or motorbikes, only a few crickets. I gladly welcome a chilly breeze. I use my superhearing to indicate where the next car sounds are and I conclude that they must be around ten miles away. This is a big campside yet no one uses a vehicle for transportation. It feels very human. I feel human. Thank Rao I can be a simple human for once.

I open my eyes to look at my surroundings.

'Bonjour', I say with an American 'r' to a passing stranger and he smiles at me kindly.

I am now practicing to say bonjour as French as possible at a whispering tone. I don't succeed very well. I feel like reading. It's been so long since I read a book. I packed 'The Bell Jar' because it's a classic and I haven't even read it yet. I am not very comfortable in my chair though. I shuffle in it but my back just doesn't manage to relax. It feels a little stiff after sitting in a plane for so long.

I remember Alex laughing at me when I told her I'd be flying by plane. She just couldn't understand why I wouldn't fly myself but I just find the idea of being able to be human, soothing. As if I am scared that one day I would lose my powers. Who knows.

Suddenly I realise I brought a hammock. I almost squeal out in joy because the camping spot opposite of me has two trees on it with the perfect distance from each other to hang a hammock. I almost run to it in superspeed. After a few minutes I am totally comfortable.

I really ended up in the nicest place of the whole campside in my opinion. It is very private. I don't even have a neighbour. Well that may not last very long but still it is very secluded and cozy. Tomorrow, I'm going to the beach. This place is known for its sea because it has enormous waves. I'm planning on taking surfing lessons as well, that'd be really cool. I don't think it will be very difficult for me to do but perhaps it's harder than I imagine.

My heart is so happy. I'm in France. I'm in a hammock and I'm going to the beach tomorrow. Oh yes and I'm going to eat crisps.

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