Pizza's here

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Olivia and Faith where with the boys waiting for pizza and then Faith gets a text from her mom asking her "hows the city of lights" and Faith text back and says "great hey I have to go love you and miss you", her mom "bye" and once Faith was done texting her mom she kinda started crying! Olivia looked at her confused but also concerned and then Olivia, Olivia asks "what's wrong" and Faith says "I miss my mom,dad,brother,and sister, I miss them so much" and then Olivia cried to and said "I miss my family to, I mean yesterday my mom and dad facetimed me and when the call was over I bursted out crying because I miss them but we will get to see them soon" and then Leo is concerned about Olivia crying and tries to help clam her down, Raph just sat beside Faith and then it's silent well the girls get their tears out and then they hear the sound of a delivery scooter from Pizza Hut and Mikey says "pizza here, we should go get it" and the girl wipe their teary eyes and laugh and Faith says "we will go get the pizza for you guys be right back" and Faith and Olivia go to get the pizza and the turtles are left trying to wrap their brains around what they were so sad about then Splinter says "you know boys, it takes a lot of guts to do what these girls are doing leaving their homes the only place they know to try and find something new or find them selfs, I mean they had to leave their family's to come to New York and that is very hard to do, just think about it" and the turtles then realize the reason their so sad they miss home and they felt confused here so the turtles can up with a plan to show them all of New York in one night.

#TMNT GeeksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora