Olivia and Leo First Date

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Olivia was getting ready and Faith was helping her and Faith was talking to her like they were soldiers and Faith was the head caption and Olivia was the cadet/soldier and Olivia just keep laughing at Faith, Olivia found it so funny and then
Olivia said "many be you should be a soldier instead of a dance teacher"
Faith said "don't complement me,ok" and they both laughed and then
Olivia said "so when are you going on you date with Raph"
Faith "I don't know"
Olivia said "you are going to dress up right"
Faith eyed Olivia head to toe to look at her fancy (but very expensive) dress all the way down to her high heels (that did not seem comfortable, like at all and not to mention Olivia had to practice walking in them before buying them and Faith just remembers a lot of failed attempt)
Then Faith said "no, I'm just going to wear what I always wear"
Olivia said "and that would be a part of cut jeans and a tank top correct"
Faith Said "bingo"
Olivia said "like your wearing now"
Faith just nodded up and down for "yes" And they laughed and then Olivia was ready for her date and then she got a text from Leo to meet him at the park before Olivia leaves Faith gives her a thumbs up of good luck and then Olivia drives to the park, get there and looks around and then she sees the turtle car and walks over to it laughing because she can hear the music playing on the inside, Rhinna "Pon the replay" and Olivia knocked on the window and then Leo rolls down the window and finds Olivia there singing along to the song and Leo just laughs and then Leo moved to the back and opened up the doors and Olivia set down inside the car and they just looked at the moon and then
Olivia said "moon view, at night in the park, nobody here,and we are listening to the song "I don't mind" by usher, and yet it's missing one thing"
Leo looked at her confused and said "what"
Olivia smirked and said "pizza"
Leo and Olivia laughed and smiled then Leo brought out a pizza and said "see I brought a pizza" and Olivia was like "really" and they laughed and they spend their date looking at the moon and eating pizza then they started dancing and Olivia showed off some moves and she left Leo just saying "wow" and Olivia blushed and they both laughed and talked and just danced the night away.

#TMNT GeeksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora