Faith and Raph First date

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Right after Olivia left for her date Faith was looking thourgh her movies and then hears a tap on her window and opens her window's blinds to see Raph waving at her with a smirk on his face and Faith just laughed and opened the window and
Faith said "what are you doing here"
Raph said "its time for our date what do you want to do"
And Faith was thinking and then the ideas hit and
Faith said "how about we watch some movies and I will order pizza"
and Raph said "movies and pizza and a hot girl, Yep I'm up for it"
And Faith laughed and then brought out her movies and pointed to her three most favorite movies , 1."G.I.Joe retaliation", 2 "Star Trek: into darkness", 3. "Battleship", and then she put "Battleship" in first and before playing the move the pizza came and they just set up it Faiths room, laying on her bed and watching movies and eating pizza and then
Raph said "I didn't think girls liked action movies"
Faith said "well, some don't but others love them so much and I happen to be one of those people" and he just laughed and so did Faith and then she put in Battleship and Raph just looked at Faith (Faith didn't know he was looking at her) and he looked at how exited she was as she watched the movie and he just smirked and
Raph said "you sure love military moves and comic book movies" and Faith said "yeah I just love the..."
Raph said "action" and they both smiled and and went back to the movie and when the movie was over Faith put "Star Trek :into darkness" in and spent the whole night eating and watching movies.

#TMNT GeeksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora