episode 15

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Yoongi had taken in the flustered state of Jimin, a sight he longed to see. If they were gonna do some action, they needed to do it quick, seeing as Jimin's lunch break ends in 20 minutes.

yoongi positioned Jimin right, where he was now straddling the older, sitting quite comfortable for his surprise

have to sit like this more often i geuss

Jimin smiled at his thoughts before Yoongi's lips went crashing into his, the kiss was more aggressive, more passionate and oh did Jimin love it. Yoongi's hand traveled down to Jimin's butt, where he gave it a quick sqeeze, earning gasp as Yoongi slid in his tongue.

Jimin was acting rather submissive, way to much for Yoongi's liking. Jimin allowed Yoongi to devour his mouth, as his tongue explored every corner, hungry for more.

Jimin started grinding upon feeling something hard poke his thigh. It  already felt huge and Jimin was just a little to excited. In his defensive he hasn't had dick in the longest time.

A low grunt was heard from Yoongi, a sound jimin wanted to hear more often. He started grinding harder, his hands finding their way down to yoongi's belt.

A soft moan escape Jimin's lips when Yoongi put his hands on his waist and put more friction between them. Jimin was just about to take of Yoongi's belt when a relative loud knock was heard.

Jimin stopped what he was doing, identifying that knock immediately. He looked back at yoongi, the older hair all messy as his now very much boner was brushing against Jimin's ass.

Jimin placed a soft kiss against Yoongi's lips before he got off, running his hands through Yoongi's messy hair. They both had a problem but Jimin could hide it with his laptop and his desk.

" uhh that is my father, so uhmm here take the suitcase and pretend i send you" Jimin quickly said as he pushed the suitcase in Yoongi's arms.

Yoongi looked at Jimin amused before another knock was heard.

"in a sec " Jimin said  as Yoongi stole another kiss, earning a whine in return.

" you can come in now" Jimin said as he started typing. He looked up at his father before he gave him apologetic smile.

" sorry i was in the bathroom" jimin said as he looked down and continued with his work. Luckily for him Yoongi didn't leave any hickey's but the boner in his pants was painfully brushing against his tight pants and he was ready to cry if it continued.

" ah i just wanted to check in, your bodyguard looks like a nice kid" Jimin's father said as he looked around the room, eyes falling on a family photo Jimin had framed. He smiled before averting his eyes again.

" i just came to say you shouldn't hide who you love, we're proud of you either way"

Jimin looked up as he gave his father a sincere smile, the news was great to hear but the problem in his pants wasn't going away.

Lucky for Jimin Yoongi had call him, why he didn't know but he was thankfull anyway. That made his father excuse himself, thinking it was some sort of important business call.


" take the rest of the day off we need to finish what we started kitten"

Jimin blushed and was all to happy to obey Yoongi.

" okay I'll see you at my house?" Jimin questioned as he quickly gathered all his things.

" yeah"

Jimin ended the call, looking down at his boner. He sighed as he took some documents, holding in front as he casually walked out to his car. yoongi was already seated, shifting uncomforble in his seat. Jimin couldn't help but smile.

upcoming smut ( warming this is bad)

they were barely in the house when Jimin pulled Yoongi by his tie, smashing their lips together. The kiss was sloppy and all over the place but neither of them cared. Yoongi tapped the younger's thigh making him jump.

Jimin's hand was all in Yoongi's hair as the two made their way up the stairs. Yoongi softly placed the boy on the bed as he hovered over him. Jimin was getting  inpatience as his hand traveled down to Yoongi's belt.

Yoongi however stopped the younger's hand pinning it above his head. Jimin didn't get time to complain because  the older started grinding down on him, a strangled moan leaving his lips.

Yoongi's started leaving wet kisses on his jaw, all the way done to his collarbone were he hit a sweet spot . He smirked upon hearing a breathless moan escape as he bit down on the skin, nipping on it before licking the mark he made.

Jimin was really not having it and ran his hands down Yoongi's hair before tugging on the ends bringing Yoongi back up to his lips. A low grunt left the older lips.

" so fucking impatient" yoongi said he unbuckled his belt  tossing it aside as he stripped Jimin and himself from their clothes.

Jimin was now completly naked and feeling insecure, Yoongi quickly shot that down by whistling and licking his lips.

He came down again to place a soft kiss on the boys lips, only as a distraction as he pushed 2 fingers inside Jimin's entrance as  he muffled his  moan into Yoongi's mouth.

"don't need prep ahh fuck me please" Jimin said arching his back, Yoongi's long fingers curling against his sweet spot.

" what ever you want kitten" Yoongi lowly purred as he pulled out his fingers earing a small whine from the younger.

Yoongi used some of his Salvia to run over his throbbing member as Jimin took the opportunity to look down, His eyes grew wide as he threw his head back into his pillow, mentally preparing himself for what's to come.

Yoongi came up to kiss him as he slowly pushed into Jimin. A low grunt came from Yoongi as he pushed himself fully inside Jimin as Jimin arched his back, it simply feeling to good.

Yoongi didn't move and instead showerd Jimin with kisses. He wanted the younger to feel loved, and jimin did. He loved the feeling of Yoongi inside him.

Yoongi started thrusting, giving the boy no warming as he hit his sweet spot, a strangled moan coming out as it bounced off the walls of his room.

Yoongi picked up his pace, fucking into Jimin ruthlessly and hard. Jimin managed to get hold of Yoongi as he yanked the older towards his body, smashing their lips together again.

Yoongi's pace however just got faster as Jimin digged his nails into Yoongi's back. Jimin's high was approaching, his mind was blank and he struggled to form a sentence.

" gonna ughh" was all he could manage to get out. Yoongi understood and brought his face towards the younger's ear.

" come for me kitten" 

and that was all Jimin needed for his orgams to wave over him hard. A loud moan escaping his lips as Yoongi trusted into his over sensitive spot as he came inside him. Yoongi collapse ontop of the younger earning a breathless chuckle from Jimin.

" hmm should do this more often" was all he said as he closed his eyes.

Yoongi chuckled  as he placed a kissed on the younger's lips. Yoongi slightly lifted himself of Jimin earning a whine since his dick was still inside him.

" hmm don't move"  was all Jimin said as he yanked Yoongi back onto his chest, turning them on their sides.

" you want me to cock warm you?" yoongi asked as he slightly pulled the blankets over their legs until mid waist.

" hmm i want to sleep" was all  Jimin said as he wrapped his arms around the older, earing a  chuckled and a kiss to the head before they both drifted of the sleep in each other's arms


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