episode 27

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"hey hey hey, wake up hyung" Little Taehyung said as he softly clapped Jimin's cheeks.

"let me just rest for a bit" Jimin mumbled as he tried to close his eyes again. His whole body felt weak, he was pretty sure he wouldn't be able to walk.

"no! hyung you can't or you won't wake up" Little Taehyung pleased as he made the male sit upright.

"why can't i just go home" jimin mumbled
as he lazily focused his eyes on Taehyung, he couldn't see too well anymore, everything was blurry.

"please hyung, just please try to stay awake for a few more hours" Taehyung said as he scooted closer to male, trying to provide him some warmth.

"ok, I'll try" Jimin said as he leaned his head on little Taehyungs


( yoongi pov)

"is he okay doc" Namjoon asked as he let go of me, allowing himself to stand to face the doctor.

"he's stable..."

"but" namjoon asked with a sigh

" he's in a coma, he might wake up in a few days, it could be months even. It's all up to him now" The doctor said as he gave us a sad smile before excusing himself.

Mrs Park was crying in her husband's arms, the same with Rose. Namjoon was the one trying to hold us all together, but i could see the tears in his eyes. He knew Jimin the longest, he was very attached to the younger.

"i-im gonna go for a walk" i stated as i stood up. Namjoon instantly grabbed me by me sleeve preventing me from walking.

" don't walk away from him, he'd want to see you when he wakes up" Namjoon said as he let go of me, walking over to the coffee machine.

i wasn't trying to run away, right?

i rid myself from all thoughts as i made my way out of the building. I let out a big sigh once i smelled the fresh air, the hospital was starting to feel suffocating.

I shoved my hands into my pockets, being extra carefull since my hand was still injured. I glanced to my right to see a beautifull garden .

Jimin would have loved it

a tear ran down my face as i walk closer, following the path of lilies. I looked up to see big a tree infront of me . A sad smile formed on my face as i traced my fingertips against is, i don't know why but it brought me comfort.

I glanced at my wristwatch , it was already 3am. I was planning on walking back to the hospital when i found myself infront of Jimin's window. He was moved to the first floor since he needed to be under supervision all the time.

When did i walk towards here?

i glanced back, but the row of lilies and the tree wasn't there anymore. I looked around a bit, but there was no tree.

it was so big how come i don't find it

As i glanced back i saw Jimin move his pinky? Wait - that sounds dumb he's in a coma.

I moved closer, trying to see through the glass. His room was dark , only the moonlight lit it up, but i could clearly see his hand.

It moved again!

Tears streamed down my face as i rushed into the hospital ward. I almost ran into 2 nurses before Namjoon caught me, making me sit down to catch me breath.

"Jimin... need to see Jimin" i said as i gasped for air, Mrs Park handing me a glass of water.

"slow down, but yes you'll see him eventually"

i shook my head as i downed the rest of the water.

"no, i need to see him now" i said i stood up, only to fall back down.

"have you eaten yet?" Namjoon asked as he crouched infront of me.

"I'll eat when I'm allowed to see Jimin" I stated as i looked at Namjoon with pleading eyes, he sighed.

" why do you need to see him so bad" Namjoon asked as he massaged his temples.

"his my baby boy, how could i not?"

Namjoon expression soften upon hearing my words. He nodded before calling a nurse over to go get the doctor.

the doctor soon came as he stood up, probaly telling the doctor that i would probaly starve myself to death if they don't let me in.

It was shoter than i expected, within the next 10 minutes i was allowed into the room.

I sat down next to Jimin's chair, brushing his silwer hair out of his face. He looked so peaceful.

"Jimin baby if you hear me please squeeze my hand" I softly spoke as i took Jimin's hand in mine.

I sighed when there was no respone.


(Jimin pov)

"jimin baby if you hear me please squeeze my hand"

i looked over to little Taehyung, he was looking down on my hand.

"h-how do i sqeeze?" i mumbled as i averted my heavy eyes onto him.

"try to lift any finger, he'd notice, I'm sure" Little Taehyung gave me a small smile.

I couldn't feel my body anymore, everything was numb and my whole body was sore.

i tried lifting my other fingers, i tried it with my pinky and i worked the first time, maybe it could happen again.

I took in a sharp breathe as i moved my index finger, it was only little but i hoped he would have notice.

"w-wait, did you just move?"

A small smile was on my face as i leaned my head back, listing to Yoongi's faint voice. I could barely hear it, but it was there and that was enough.

"he moved I swear Namjoon"

Little Taehyung chuckled next to me. He gave me puppy eyes as i chuckled back in return.

I looked down at i moved my middle and ring finger, i moved it more this time.


"i saw yoongs, that's great" Namjoon calmy spoke.

"come on, you promise to eat if got you in here"

i frown upon hearing Namjoons voice, he should really eat, it's not good for his health

"Can you move?" Little Taehyung asked as he stood up, holding his hand out for me.

i nodded as i stood up. It was painfull, but i didn't want to be here any longer

I'm coming Yoongi, please just hold on "



your least favourtie author updated! *applause *
hello, I'm actually still alive 👁️👄👁️.

i hope you guys noticed the similarity in the garden scene ;)

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