3. The Talentless Toe-Sucking Termite 1/2

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You  may realise that this particular boy's name has many bad adjectives. This boy is the person I hate most in the world at the time being. This may be put into multiple parts as I have many reasons to hate him. This is going to be done in a different way and will be a timeline of events from when we met. This will most likely be the only chapter like this. 

I first met him when I was 10 years old at performing arts school. In our first conversation, he was extremely rude to another person in our group. I was with my friends and really didn't want to talk to him, but here is how the conversation goes.

"Hey, that person over there, do you think they are a boy or a girl?" This transphobic arsehole interrupted my conversation pointing at a person across the room.

"It doesn't really matter to me, I'm trying to talk with my friends." I responded, knowing that this person's gender identity wasn't really my business.

"Well it is a girl." He had the fucking audacity to call a human being an it. How fucking dare he. They (I am unsure of their pronouns and will use they) were born onto this planet like you were, but I guess their mum loved them more because you are a pathetic little bitch that isn't worth my time.

Throughout the next year, he was incredibly annoying and wouldn't shut up in lessons, pissing me off like hell, He was constantly trying to hang out with me and my friends and we weren't having it. He would call my friends rude and bitchy. He called one of them thick and stupid, but secondary school is where it all kicks off. 

My secondary school has teaching groups, which is the people you do classes, that aren't set, with. For example, Geography, History, Computing and similar stuff like that, but not Maths Science and English. It's just my fucking luck that I am put in a teaching group with a fucking leech called Toe-Sucking Fucking Termite and his best mate.

This boy was so loud and disrespectful in lessons. I was trying to learn french, but all he wanted to do was shout the word cock and try to get a few laughs when he was as funny as a crusty tea towel that's been used to wipe up my dog's piss. He would constantly shout how he was homophobic and racist and it just would get blank faces as it wasn't funny in the slightest.

He was also a complete dick and would date any girl that he came across. He dated one of my best friends and they broke up after a week. I was having an argument with a girl and he would constantly come up to me saying that she was a bitch and I didn't care because she was the one who hated me not the other way around.

I had to deal with that and more for a year, but in year 8 everything went to shit.

In the start of year 8, he was constantly texting me, and not being a total nobhead and kinda being a nice guy. In october, he decided to tell me he liked me. This was over text and he made me promise not to tell anyone and I didn't. He, on the other hand, broadcasted it to the entire fucking school. The amount of times people came up to me and told me that this flea liked me. It was constantly shouted in my classroom and it really stressed me out being asked if I was going to date him.

Then, this crusty little stupid mouldy sprout decided that a way to take the stress off was to ask me out. HUH. HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT TAKE OFF THE STRESS IT ADDS MORE TO MY ALREADY DETEREORATING MENTAL HEALTH YOU STUPID PRICK. It did not take the stress off as you may be able to tell. 

I, being the nice, kind-hearted goddess I was, wrote him a letter rejecting him instead of having to tell it to his face. I felt really bad, but I knew the only way I could phrase it in a way would be to write it. He took it relatively well. Or so my ignorant naive little dim brain thought.

Two fucking days later, he asks out my best friend as she says yes. As a summary of their 7 month relationship, he said that he liked us both at the same time, but he thought I was easy and went for me first. I'm not even going to comment on how sexist that is, but after he said that, he was constantly saying it to me at my performing arts and school and I hated it so incredibly much. This was when I first realised how much I hated this dickhead. 

During the relationship, he was incredibly manipulative. I will not mention some of the things he did as my best friend is reading this and I do not want to remind her of how shitty he was. Basically, he would blame her for everything when it was not her fault. She was constantly asking him not to share private stuff and he would share it anyway, being incredibly tough on her and expecting forgiveness every single time. He would also flirt with other girls during this relationship.

They broke up in early May during the lockdown. He instantly went to one of the people she did not like after they broke up and started dating her (one of the girls he was flirting with when they were dating) and after that went to one of her other really good friends. They barely talked during the rest of lockdown apart from occasional arguments between them. The story has a pause until year nine as they were both blocked, which was good. My next part will be after year nine started and it will be coming soon!

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