2. Lice

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Lice is my dance teacher at my performing arts. These are the reasons I dislike her.

- The first reason is that her dances are completely shit. They are so incredibly boring and are not fun. Our previous teacher was very qualified and made the dances difficult but not too difficult. Lice, however makes them far too easy. She flails her arms around and it is completely static. We barely use our legs for half the dance. This may be to suit Parasite's needs as she is a fucking foetus (as stated in the last chapter), but she should at least include some stuff that us older participants can enjoy. The hair that was gorrilla glued could move more gracefully and smoothly and better in generaly than my dance teacher cow.

- The second reason is the obvious favouritism towards her daughter. I have not decided whether I like her or not and whether a chapter will be dedicated to her, but I will not get into that now. We were doing a dance and Lice was deciding the formation we were going to be stood in and her daughter just happens to be at the front and centre for the entire dance. This was clear favouritism and combined with the comments about how Lice knows she can do it and has to do her own part in the middle. She doesn't try to hide it.

- My third reason is that we don't properly warmup, stretch and cool down. We request it every lesson, but instead we get a shitty dance to shotgun which does jackshit to warm us up. She always 'runs out of time' to do the cooldown, which is bullshit because we spend half of the lesson playing games. It is clear that she spends more times coming up with games than the actual dances themselves. I hate those games so much and they don't improve techniques or team building or shit. All they do is waste time and get you awesomeness points.

- This brings me onto my next point about how childish she is. She has this thing called awesomeness points that you gain from effort etc, but we are fucking teenagers. We don't give a shit about awesomeness points. They have no relevance to us. We don't want some points, we want to do a dance that help us improve and get us actual jobs so we can dance more in the future. I'm not sure about everyone else in the group, but when I grow up, I want to be a dancer and I don't want my CV to be filled with 'got an awesomness point for winning a game of splat when she was 14' and 'was silent walking to singing in week 4'. She acts like an actual two year old. She is constantly telling us that if we are rude than Evil Queen Lice will come out. We. Do. Not. Care. She also acts like a fucking lunatic on crack ngl.

- Yet another reason I dislike her is that she is very ignorant during this pandemic. She comes up close to your face and will literally spit. She does not wear a mask whether she is within two metres or not. I know that there are people in my group that have vulnerable family and imagine if they caught covid because of Lice. Just before Christmas, she was getting annoyed at us because we didn't have to correct shoes for dance and we usually do it in our socks or trainers. This bitch had the audacity to tell us to buy the correct shoes. Christmas was right around the fucking corner. People were already struggling with money because of the pandemic, pile Christmas on top of that and they were practically bankrupt. To assume that everyone is in the same finacial position as you is such a stupid thing to do.

- My final reason for the time being is that she is trying to be trendy, but really isn't. In our dances, she is adding tiktok parts. She is like 40 years old, decaying, with wrinkles and looks like a saggy raisin whose facelift didn't work and fucking backfired so its droopy instead with one foot in the grave. She's the maggot queen and is followed by a swarm of flies wherever she goes like moths to a light but it's flies to the their reeking leaders. Search up a photo of Prince Philip and she is the female version of that but ten times worse. Anyway, she is constantly asking us to think of tiktok dances that we could add into the dance. She literally has asked us to do the finger thing and we've spent and entire lesson learning a stupid thing with the fingers. She is constantly trying to talk to me and my friends and it's like piss off we are 3000 years younger than you go away and get off tiktok you can't relate to us.

A/N: This has been my second chapter about Lice. I obviously dedicated it to her. From this long chapter, you should take away that she is a fucking bitch and a sloppy piece of dog shit that smells of cabbage and fish that had been living off piss water instead of salt water and died from it's own stench. I may dislike Lice more than Parasite. I may add more to this in the future. Goodbye for now.

Teaser: The Talentless Toe-Sucking Termite

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