Part 1

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I was running, running as fast as my legs could take me. I was running so fast that the muggles passing me on the street looked like blurred lines. My case was heavy and kept crashing into my heels, occasionally tripping me slightly, as I stormed down the road to King's Cross Station. Hermione eventually caught up to me as I began to slow down and walked with me to catch our breath.

"I find it quite unfair that you've always been a lot faster than me" she wheezed as she slowed beside me.

"I guess I was just blessed. I can't study as well as you though, Mione" which was true. I've never been able to sit and soak in unimportant information for hours on end.

After a while, Hermione spoke again, finally regulating her breathing pattern.

"I can't believe Ron and Harry ran off without us, they know we aren't as fast as them"

"Come on Hermione, you know I could easily run at the same pace as them. We would already be at Platform 9  3/4 by now if you weren't so slow"

This was clearly a lie. Ron and Harry are both two times faster than me, and at least five times faster than Hermione.

When Hermione didn't reply, I turned to her to see her facing the floor slightly. She looked up at me with a slightly upset expression on her face. I hated that expression, a wave of guilt washed over me every time I saw it. I always try to make sure I'm not hurting Hermione with what I say. She doesn't often show it but words get to her a lot. I gave her a small smirk to see if she was ok, and she smirked back at me reassuringly.

"Maybe it's because I'm older than you. Maybe the oldest is always the runner of the family" I put on a very unconvincing thoughtful expression, stroking my chin and looking up to the sky.

"Hold your horses Y/n! Your only older by four minutes" she replied, nudging me slightly.

"Just be thankful we're not identical like Fred and George, Mione. At least people can tell us apart"


"Oh crap! Mione, what time is it?" I exclaimed after a moment of silence, remembering why we were running in the first place.

She flicked her right arm forward rather violently, causing her jacket sleeve to thrust itself further up her arm, revealing a small black watch. She brought her wrist close to her face to read the time, before looking back up at me with a worried look on her face.

"We have ten minutes. If we wanna catch that train we need to run"            

*The pure and the mud* (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now