DEAR CUPID | dorbyn

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FEBRUARY 14, 2021

FEBRUARY 14, 2021

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dear cupid,

daniel was not very good at keeping secrets.

he was good at singing. his voice never failed to make butterflies swarm in corbyn's tummy. he was good at being so incredibly attractive. every grin, wink, and look was sure to make corbyn's face light up in a fierce blush. he was caring, he was funny, he was sweet. he was so good at so many things

but being good at secrets was simply not one.

corbyn wasn't stupid either.

where daniel managed to fall short, corbyn rose up. daniel may not have been the best at keeping secrets, but it didn't help that corbyn seemed to have a 6th sense that detected when daniel was not being honest.

and right now, it was going off.

corbyn glared at the blonde in front of him, a small pout forming on his lips as he narrowed his eyes at the boy in front of him. "really dani? you know i can tell when you lie?"

daniel gaped at him, "i haven't even said a word!"

"doesn't matter." corbyn protested, "you're hiding something from me!"

daniel rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around corbyn's waist before tugging the pouting boy into his chest, "what do you think i'm hiding, bug?"

corbyn shrugged in his spot pulled in to daniel's chest, eyes still trained on the boy, "i dunno, that's why i'm asking."

daniel smiled fondly, cupping the boy's face in his hands. corbyn squirmed a little as the blonde peppered his face in kisses, small sounds of happiness bubbling from the back of the brunette's throat as he let out small giggles that did wonders to daniel's racing heart.

the boy managed to break free from daniel's warm grip, stepping back to release a whine, "you're distracting me!"

"from what!"

"from what you're hiding!"

"corbs, my love." daniel rested a hand on corbyn's cheek, looking into the boy's eyes, "i am not hiding anything. pinky promise."

corbyn eyed the boy's pinky warily, slowly reaching up to connect pinkys with the taller.

"are you two still fighting"

corbyn looked over to see the rest of the boys (eben included) gathered around the entrance of daniel's kitchen, watching the scene in front of them with fond smiles. the brunette took this opportunity to slink away from daniel's hold, the blonde releasing a sound of protest as he tried to pull his boy back in.

corbyn swatted at his hands, "stop that." he released a laugh at daniel's pout before sighing, "and no, we're not. daniel's just lying to me, but it's okay. i'm onto him."

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