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dead by tomorrow - soko

zach tried not to let any tears cascade down his rosied cheeks and he shut the door to his previous apartment. the small brunette knew that his 'home' didn't hold anything more for him, but that didn't disclose the amount of pain it brought to say goodbye. he'd lived there for as long as he could remember, he'd lived there ever since he cut his parents off, since his siblings slowly meandered their way out of his life, since his friends drifted away from him–his humble apartment had there for him more than people had.

zach's suitcase bumped across the graveled ground as he dragged his bags to the waiting uber in front of him. he knew he needed to get away, to start over and experience the great life all those inspirational people on instagram talk about, he just didn't know it'd hurt so much.



"hi," the boy flashed a shy smile at the flight attendant, fumbling with the clear phone cased attached to his phone, "u-uh, i'd like to buy a plane ticket to your furthest destination? i-if it's possible."

the woman smiled gently at him, nodding her head before her fingers danced across the keyboard, clicking sounds sounding out from the raised keys.

"how's south island, new zealand sound?"

"perfect. are there anymore one-way seats left for today?"

"you are actually just in time. flight 36A starts boarding in 2 hours. thank you for choosing los angeles airlines, i hope you have a nice flight."

zach accepted the tickets from her, pocketing them before letting his feet guide him toward his gate, his nerves rising with nervous excitement at the new future he had in front of him.


"thank you!" 

the taxi driver flashed a smile at the young brunette, driving off with a polite wave.

the brunette stood in front of the hotel he'd booked earlier during the day. the boy almost let his doubt take control of his body, wanting to turn around and catch the closest flight back home. he was alone in a new country, with no friends, no connections–just the overstuffed suitcases of belongings he was too emotionally attached to and years of hard work and cheap meals in the bank account. but something about the dangers of this new adventure excited the boy more than it should, and that thought alone had the boy racing towards his room.

the boy messily threw his bags across the floor, wrapping his favorite jacket around his shoulders before he was out the door, deciding against delaying his expedition. 

he had a folded brochure tucked into his jacket pocket, his search history listing the 'best places to visit in south island'. needless to say, the boy was a little more than lost, but he smiled gently to himself as he didn't feel the normal bout of anxiety bubble up in his chest once again. he knew he was here to make more memories, and if that started off with him aimlessly wandering around the entrance of his last minute booked hotel- so be it.

zach ended up deciding against flagging down a taxi, instead pulling his jacket snug against his body as a comfort piece, before trying to maneuver his way around the town. it was already dark, but zach didn't let that stop him from his goal. he was aware there were some places that were opened until the wee hours of the morning and he was more than interested in checking a few of them out. 

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