Oneshot #1 A school bully

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This chapter contains homophobia,
If you do not this topic I advise you to leave as I do not want to make you feel uncomfortable.
If you are experiencing through something like this in your life, don't be scared to reach out. There are always people to help.

Moving on, here is chapter one of Drew and Jake's married life.

Tears escaped Vincent's eyes as he rushed into the garage. He walked up to the house door as the garage door shut behind him. As Vincent grabbed the knob and fiddled with the keys he was finally let in.

Tears streaming down his cheeks Vincent looked up at a picture of his dads at their wedding. Jake was dressed in white dress shirt, with a black jacket over him. He wore a dark gray belt and midnight black pants. He was holding Drew in his arms, the magenta haired boy blushing at his new husband. He wore a white tuxedo with gray accents. His tuxedo was accompanied by a cherry red tie.

Vincent looked in disgust at the picture of his dads. They were the whole reason he got bullied. Nobody had two dads, that was absurd. Everyone had a mom and dad, nothing else.

The young boy heard footsteps coming from the end of the hallway. 'Must be one of my freakish gay dads,' He thought to himself. As he guessed, Jake came walking down the hallway.

"Hi honey! How was your school?" Jake asked.

"Leave me alone f*gg*t," Vincent spat.

Another tear rushed down his cheek, he hated insulting his dad.

Jake stared in shock. As a kid, he was always bullied for being bisexual. But Drew didn't care. He took him in as friend, so did the music club. They soon became the six people he loved most (sorry Henry + Liam). Later, Drew had told Jake that he was gay himself, and only dated Zoey as a cover. Shortly after, Drew and Jake started dating. A lot people yelled at them and disrespected, resulting the two to become less popular. They didn't care. They had each other.

Jake's immediate reaction to his son's comment was to yell, but he didn't feel like yelling. He could sense something was wrong.

"What's the matter, Vinny?" Jake's eyes narrowed with worry.

"That you're my dad! And that you're married to a man!" Vincent choked on tears.

"I wish you left me at the orphanage where you found me!"
The brunette boy exploded into tears, he curled up on the floor and cried his heart out.

"Oh, Vincent!" Jake rushed over to his sobbing son. "No matter what you say, I will never leave you! I love you Vincent!" Jake wrapped his arms around the sobbing boy. "I love you too dad, I'm so sorry I hurt you!"

"Vincent, sweetie, if people bully you for having two dads that has nothing to do with you!"

"Really?" Vincent croaked.

"Yes, honey." Jake ran a hand through his son's hair.

"We're the queer ones, you're still nine years old figuring out who you are. You are your own amazing person, your legacy does not affect you." Jake's comforting words made Vincent feel better.

"Thank you dad, I'm sorry for calling you...that," apologized Vincent, who was now hugging his dad back.

Jake chuckled.

"Don't ever say that again, especially at your age, that's not something to be thrown around." Jake's voice got more stern as he continued to speak. "I'm sorry," repeated the younger one. "I forgive you," said Jake, running a hand through his son's hair. Suddenly, the father pulled away from the hug. "Do you want fast food tonight?" asked Jake. "Burger King, please!" the son chirped happily.

[DISCONTINUED] Drew and Jake's future life oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now