Oneshot #4 Movie Night

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Suggested by: @Onemorrchoclrt
Thanks for the idea!

       Friday afternoons were the best. Vincent could come home from school, wishing his friends goodbye, and then lounge on the couch and do whatever he pleased. And for him (and most boys his age), that was video games.
Vincent could play video games all night if he wanted to. He loved Lunine's Battle Royale™ where he mained as RosyClozy and defeated the Gacha Heaters.

         It was 7:12 when Drew walked into the lounge room. A pale blue blanket was wrapped around Vincent as he played more LBR.

"Hey, Vincent!" Drew called as he plopped on the couch next to his son.

"Oh, hey dad." Vincent stopped playing for a second to look up at his dad and greet him.

"More Lunime Battles? That doesn't look like Rosy, are you playing as someone else this time?" Drew asked his son. His dark, chocolate brown eyes swept the television, watching the battles take flight.

"Yeah," Vincent smiled. "I thought I would have more experience playing as different characters so I tried Milyie, she's really good." Vincent's eyes lit up as he explained his game to his dad, his brain creating strategies.

Drew nodded.

"Uhhhh Vincent, once you finish the game you're going to have to get off."

Vincent's expression dropped into a frown, and his body language become tense. He grumbled.

"Why can't I play any longer?!" Vincent hissed at Drew; though his attention stayed glued to screen.

"Because we're watching a movie, and I said so," Drew responded frankly.

Vincent signed. "I DONT WAAAANT TO WATCH YOUR STUUUUPID MOVIEEEEEE!" He squealed, kicking the air as his voice became unnaturally high pitched.

"Well, you have to; because I'm in charge, and I said so," Drew snapped back at Vincent.

"Your mom said so..." Vincent mumbled underneath his breath.

Drew slowly made his way off the couch as he spoke, "You will watch the movie and be respectful, understand?"

"I understand..." Vincent unwillingly grumbled.

Drew responded with a 'good,' and retreated upstairs to find Jake.

Vincent sighed. He hated family movies, they would probably just end up watching some dumb, cheesy Disney movie where the laws of reality don't exist.

Vincent was so devastated he didn't notice when a Gacha Hacker appeared from above the hill and shot Milyie in the head. The red 'Game Over Screen' flashed in a taunting manner across the screen. Vincent angrily launched the video game controller across the room where it thudded against the wall and fell on the ground creating a loud clamour. And with that, Vincent furiously coiled under his blanket.

         When it was time for a the movie, Jake sat on the couch next to Vincent, possessing two bowls of popcorn, the only GOOD part in Vincent's opinion.

Jake put on a wide grin that stretched his face. "We should watch a rom-com. Maybe there's a gay one! That would be hilarious-and adorable!"

Drew sighed. "Jake, no. You got to choose last time. Plus, comedy romance sounds stupid. Lets watch an action."

"I did not get to choose last time! And there's NO WAY there's an appropriate action movie for young little Vincent!" Jake argued.

Vincent felt irritated. Young? "Hey, I'm not that young! I'm eleven!" Vincent piped in.

[DISCONTINUED] Drew and Jake's future life oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now