Chapter one

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You stifled a laugh as you tried to keep up your failing act at "sleeping". Sometimes hearing Zenitsu yelling was annoying, but when he was whining, it was ten times more funnier.
You heard padded footsteps coming toward your bed before coming to a halt.
"Zenitsu can you please calm down." an obviously drained voice pleaded to the loud lightning breather.
You start to feel a bit guilty when you hear Tanjiro's simple request to the hard-headed boy, and decided that it was time to get up. Stretching out your upper limbs, your eyes try to adjust to the bright sun peering into the room.
"Good morning Tanjiro." You ended with a smile, hoping that he understood the hidden apology that was laced into the introduction.
"Good morning ____." His content voice stated with a softened expression.
Many thoughts ran through your head with that simple act, and they all resulted with the big grin on your readable face. You knew what Tanjiro was capable of, but he is just too pure for his own good.
Zenitsu wore a shocked expression that signified what was going to happen next.
It was good that you were already smiling, or else's it would have been obvious that you were laughing at him now.
Tossing your warm white blanket to the side, you miniver yourself to balance on the twin sized bed. Turing yourself to face off to the left, you extend your leg and leap off your bed and onto Zenitsu's. You sit down cris-cross on the soft material and offer a hand to Aoi, who was on the bridge of strangling the yellow haired boy for refusing to take his medicine.
Aoi placed the thick stumpy cup onto the palm of your hand with a concerned expression. It took a moment for your thoughts to catch up with your actions. You look at the cup and back at Aoi, then Zenitsu who was shaking his head vigorously at whatever your readable eyes were plotting.
    You stare behind Zenitsu, with your eyes leading into the direction of the bright window that leads outside. Like a lagging computer, Zenitsu turned his head questioning what you were looking at with worry surrounding his shaken words.
     Now this was your chance.
     Switching the cup over to your dominant hand, you lunge towards the slayer's back with your free hand passing the side if his neck letting you know that your plan was working. Angling you elbow in the direction of his jaw, you use your thumb and middle finger pry his mouth open by pushing down on his lower section of teeth, that you could feel through his skin. Tilting his head up, you took the hand that held the cup of the potent medicine and poured it sloppily into his mouth, receiving a gag from the slayer.
    Whipping around almost losing his balance on the cushion boomed.
     "W-WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO MEEE?" His words spat out of his mouth while holding his throat like he was is pain.
     "To get it over with, we do this almost everyday." You enunciate the word "over" while soothing out your matching light blue pajamas.
   "Well how would you like it if I shoved something down your throat?" Zenitsu obliviously retorted.
     Before you could even respond to the rhetorical question, your eyes widened as you saw Zenitsu snatch a little, yet loud, tan paper bag from Sumi's-was it Sumi? Ok, yeah, she had the blue butterfly's in each of her two ponytails. After Zenitsu grabbed the bag from her hand, you were already almost out the  sliding door. If he had it bad you had it worst. You had the take pills, pills that were too big for your comfort and left a rancid aftertaste.
   Hearing Zenitsu's question about where you were, made you continue to speedily walk down the hallways. You knew almost everyone should be up at this time, but being considerate was a positive forte of yours. A laugh from the nose with a smile spread across your face appeared when overhearing Zenitsu's calling Tanjiro a "big forehead"
     Not even making it half way, you bolted as fast as could could when you heard a certain war cry from a certain slayer when they wanted revenge. You could see the wooden door not to long ahead, you also saw that you had to take a left. With your speed, a sharp one. Good thing you had reflexes, quick ones because you would've never guessed that you'd see the "déjà vu" guy again.
     Tanjiro told you his name, but you forgot, you couldn't help it. Your brain has been tainted with memory loss and you remembered faces more than names anyways. Who would forget his face though?
     A scar was smeared across the right side of his face up until the bridge of his nose.  His jet black hair styled into Mohawk/mullet was unforgettable too. When you first saw him, the light made it look like he had yellow tips at the ends of his hair. Eyes slightly diagonal, causing most to get a malicious gaze from him, but you've seen enough to not too judge.
     You lock eyes for a split second unaware if he was still looking at you when your focus shifted to the ground and your body shifted to the right. Glancing up slightly you see that he made the same move. About to preform another movement, you saw that he did the same thing again. You kept a firm place on your right foot as you muttered an apology while passing him. Looking over your shoulder for a quick view of him again, you see that his face is also glancing at you. Whipping your head around to now face forward a smile creeps up on your readable face and you immediately cancel it. Now was not the time to get giddy when you one: have training to do. And two: have a lighting breather on his way to provoke you, a loud one at that...

Author's notes- If you would like any character to have appeared, with something specific in mind I will gladly try my best you add your request, constructive criticism appreciated 😊

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