Chapter 6:Are You Really There?

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"Hey Chlo-"

She stopped, breath choking her.

There, by the wall, peeking out at her. Was Chloe.

But it's not-

Her hands opened and closed and she swallowed hard, taking a step closer. The floorboard creaked under her foot.

Chloe's hand grasped the corner wall, and she stepped out into the hallway.

Blue eyes peered at her, and a smile turned up under those steely eyes. A ghost of a voice whispered in her head-

"Hey sleepyhead! What's up?"

But there one to speak, those words were very much empty air. There wasn't anyone there with long blonde hair and blue eyes, no Chloe without tattoos or-

She was alone in the hallway, and she suddenly felt like running far, far away.


A call from behind her, and she turned to see Chloe walk up the stairs.

Blue haired, tattooed, shaggy looking Chloe.

She couldn't be more happy or confused.

What the ever-living fuck is happening right now.

"You want pancakes or like bacon and stuff? I can't decide by myself."

"Too hard for Chloe Price?" She joked, soaked in relief. She played it off with a shake of her head, hair swishing too long behind her shoulders. She strode towards Chloe, snuggling herself into her side as they took the stairs together."I guess I'll help you, if I must."

"Well I mean, you get a reward if you do."


"Yeah-" she mimicked, a laugh creeping into her voice."-no starvation for you!" She took Max by the elbow and led her into the kitchen. She was very much aware of the brush of Chloe's hip bone against hers, the red boxers she was wearing and the black spaghetti strap tank that let her see that butterfly on her clavicle.

The way her arm wrapped around hers.

It helped her move past the terror that had just soaked her bones.

Watching Chloe make breakfast always helped set up the day. Helped her anxiety fade, seeing Chloe focusing and being happy.

But she still found herself glancing at the stairs, praying no one was there.

She couldn't tell if Chloe caught on or not.

Not when she snuck a kiss while syrup held on their lips, tasting so sweet her brain melted. The storm calmed. And when Chloe pulled away with nervous eyes, she laughed at her.

But then Chloe had to go to work until fucking ten p.m.

"I'll be back in a bit okay?"

"Cute how you can sum nine hours up into one word....ugh." She was pouting. She would admit. But it got her a great hug and just the right amount of pressure for the tension in her shoulders to ease. The afternoon sun was kinda hot, but that nice winter hot that put pressure on you without burning. She watched Chloe leave and stood for a minute in the grass, bare feet itching a bit.

She didn't really want to go back in the house.

At all really.

But you don't have a car, or a choice, and like. Your parents wouldn't listen if you said the house is haunted.

But is it haunted or am I slipping?

You tell me.

She grasped her head, feeling a sharp thwap to her skull. She couldn't describe it any other way.

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