Chapter 1:The Pain

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There they were. Together, but alone, soaked to the bone and trapped on a cliff overlooking the soon to be destroyed Arcadia Bay.

It was her fault. Max shivered in revulsion at her own choice, yet, she never felt safer because Chloe's hand was in hers.

This time, she was safe. She didn't have to die, and Max didn't have to rip the world apart with her powers. The tornado was already doing that for her.

They didn't have to suffer anymore. But everybody else did. Including Chloe's family. Max's friends. Unsuspecting people, wondering how in the hell an E-six tornado could be heading towards them, seemingly spawned from hell itself. She was shaking, her palm damp and cold in Chloe's hand, who was gripping it so hard it was nearly numb. Her blue eyes were frantic, taking in the destruction as the storm officially hit the bay.

Wood and debris started to pick up in the wind, smashing into buildings and cars. Several explosions erupted from the city, and with each ear splitting boom, they jerked, breathing jagged. No doubt they were both thinking about Chloe's mother, trapped in a fucking diner, waiting for the storm to pass over her....

They were out of the way of the storm, not completely safe, but not in any danger of dying. The lighthouse was still standing behind them, it's eerie light piercing acrosss the sky through the rain, highliting the intensity of the storm.

"I can't...I can't watch this-"

Chloe jerked her hand out of her grasp, stepping back and shaking her head. Her chest was heaving with every panicked breath she took. Max reached out towards her immediately, eyes searching hers."Chloe-"

"I'm not worth this!" Chloe choked out, hands cradling her head. She kept taking steps back, further from Max, further from the storm, until her back touched the cold stone of the lighthouse."Go back!" Max ran over to her, immediately wrapping her arms around her."Yes you are!"

"I said go back!" She nearly screamed in Max's ear, trying to be heard over the roar of the storm. Chloe was squirming in her arms, shaking with the force of her sobs, almost trying to shrug her off. Max wouldn't let go."Chloe, please-"

"Please what!?" They locked eyes for a moment. Chloes lips were so close, but right now, she felt a distance open up between them. She wouldn't let that happen. They needed each other, now more than ever. Blue eyes spoke of fear and guilt. Chloe was already grieving for her mother. Or Max's decision.

I couldn't even if I wanted to.

I can't .

"Get inside-"

Chloe closed her eyes, gritting her teeth as she sobbed. She let herself relax in Max's arms and be guided inside the lighthouse. She could feel the fight leaving her as they walked. As soon as the door closed behind them Chloe sank to the floor, pulling Max down with her."I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"For everything.."Chloe stuttered her words. The pain in her eyes was piercing, so strikingly clear that it cut Max to her core. What should she have done? Did she do the right thing? Did Chloe..really want to die? "I..that wasn't fair...none of this is fair." Anger quickly seeped into Chloe's words, like venom in a blood stream. Max shook her head."No, it isn't but Chloe...I had to choose you. I'm sorry. I can't..." Max felt tears build in her own eyes, a few of them escaping and making their way down her cheeks."..You're my choice! You always will be." She wrapped Chloe in another hug, pulling her in tight enough to hurt. Chloe was still crying, but the heaviness of her body on Max's made it clear she had given in, and that she was grateful Max saved her. Eventually, arms wrapped around Max's cold body in return."Thank you, Max."

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