Chapter 10:The Less I Know The Better

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AN: Heads up, things get a little hot. In two ways. Enjoy and thank you all.

She woke up alone.

Empty bed. No warmth, no Chloe, no Rachel.

So she took a minute to think, to wake up, to stretch-and ask herself what the fuck was going on.

After last night, her destiny just wasn't so it ever was. It had been three days with no sign of the storm, as far as she knew. Her eye was getting better, headaches weren't as intense even if they still took her out sometimes. Chloe was still living, loving, causing trouble. Rachel was alive. Rachel knew about them.


Not like you tried to deny it.

Her feet hit the floor, and she made her way to the window, which was already open. A steady breeze passed through, hitting her skin. Dare she say it was cold outside?

I take it back. I need to catch up on the news.

She took a seat at Chloe's desk, and decided to stare out into the open, even if for a moment. Seeing the town come alive was something she had never appreciated. Arcadia was pretty, in its own shoreline small town way. Not much was happening now though, and that sunk in the most. The relief of nothing crazy or life threatening going on. A car every now and then, a bird, a ship in the bay. So simple.

But the house was quiet, empty, so. Where were they?

They wouldn't go to Two Whales without me..


And just then, as the thought passed, Chloe's truck came roaring into the driveway, and only she got out. Legs eating up the sidewalk as she fiddled with her keys.

Ohhhhhh, Rachel must have had class today!

She assumed, relaxing back into the chair. Then she froze, realizing. She couldn't even see Chloe anymore, and she heard the door open.

She is coming in here rather fast-

Then it slammed and boots started thundering up the stairs, probably two at a time.

Is she running??

The door opened, revealing a disheveled girl, silent and staring. They had locked eyes, and Max dared to smile at her. She didn't return it. Instead she strode across the room and picked Max up from the chair, pulling her by her hands. She stumbled, assuming it's what Chloe wanted because there still weren't any words between them. It wasn't gentle, it was fast, threw her off balance. She was pulled tightly to the other girls body, feeling rough denim and leather across her arms and the top of her legs.

Chloe was warm. Always had been warm.

The look was back.

"H-hey-" she tried, and then it happened. Chloe crashed her lips into hers. Over and over again, and then she was walking Max back towards the bed, until she had no choice but to lay back down. Now, with Chloe on top of her, hands on her hips and face. Searching, soothing, pulling her back into her over and over again. A steady crashing, like the waves on the shore. She tried her best to keep up. It wasn't hard.

That's what that look was for. She'd been waiting since yesterday afternoon, then it wasn't possible. Chloe was an opportunist, clearly. All alone, a day to themselves-

I'm nervous... not because of her but- ugh.

Be a grown up. Have fun, Max.

It was hard for her sometimes.

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