(6) Fixing "Save The Date"

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Before we get to the main problem I will share with you two episodes with a mini-fix.

"Roughin' It"

[Lincoln has joined them.]

Lincoln: "Blaine? But he wore flip flops to their first date! I mean, I can't even..."

[The sisters chatter]

Lori: "Lincoln, it's so much fun watching this show with you, you're like...literally one of the girls!"

Lincoln: [gasps in shock] "One of the girls?!"

[Flashback to Lincoln's time hanging with his sisters. First, he hangs out in the bathroom with Lori wearing their bathrobes.]

Lori: [applying mud to Lincoln's face.] "This mud mask is both cleansing and invigorating."

Lincoln: "Oh, my pores are tingling!"
[Now Lincoln is giving Lucy a manicure in her room while he has headlight over her painted nails.]

Lucy: "Thanks, Lincoln. I always mess up my right hand."

Lola: [suddenly in the room] "HEY! Someone put her funeral dress in the wash..." [shows her splattered dress] "...with all my pageant gowns!!" [Growls and stomps over to Lucy, who pretends to die; she bonks her on the head.] "UGH! I can't rip you apart if you're already DEAD!"

[Now Lincoln is knitting something with Luna.]

Lincoln: "Back two over one."

Luna: "You got it, bro!" [tries on the headband she knitted.] "These accessories will make our outfits rockin'!

Lincoln: [having knitted fringes on the jacket he's wearing.] "Rocking!"

[Now Lincoln is working on a poncho Leni is wearing.]

Leni: "Lincoln, how's that hem coming?"

Lincoln: "Almost done!"

Leni: "Thanks! I can wear this poncho for all five seasons!"

[Lincoln rolls his eyes at this; end flashback.]

Lincoln: [to the viewers] "Yikes! Is spending all my time around girls turning me into one? Nah, I'm sure It'll turn out fine."

Lynn Sr.: [wearing a pink apron and holding pink muffins.] "What did I miss? Did Blaine finally put on some loafers?"

Lincoln: "This show's lame. Let's watch guy stuff." [changes the channel]

Sisters: "HEY!"

Male TV Announcer: "A lifetime in the extreme wilderness has made Rip Hardcore as tough as a two-dollar steak."

Lincoln: "Now this is my kind of show."

Lori: [scoffs] "Since when?"

Lynn Sr.: "Oh no, turn it back! We're gonna miss the anchor ceremony!"

*The Sisters we're about to fight Lincoln for the remote, but I jumped in just in time and stopped my sword one inch from Lori's Eye*

Me: You try to take the remote from Lincoln and I will end your life in an instant or you'll know what my private parts taste like!!

*After hearing that creepy response the Sisters just sat down creeped out and they let Lincoln watch his show, I loweted my Sword but i Sat between Lincoln and his sisters so that the sisters won't Tear him apart*

"L is for love"

Lori: "I hereby call this meeting to order. Lisa, can you read the minutes from the last meeting?"

Lisa: [reading] "Item 1: It was resolved that in the matter of Lily's diaper pail-"

Lincoln: [takes the previous meeting's minutes and crumples it up] "Forget that! We need to discuss..." [takes out what he found in the mail] "...this! It's a love letter, and it's addressed to L. Loud."

[The sisters gasp]

Lana: [coughs] "Oh, dang it. I just swallowed my gum."

[Lori takes the letter out and starts reading it]

Lori: "Dear L. Loud, Day after day, I hope and I pine, I'm too shy to come forward, but I wish you were mine. Signed, your secret admirer?"

Lynn: "W-w-wait! Who's it for? L. Loud could be any one of us."

Lori: "Clearly, the letter's for me, and it's from Bobby. I mean, duh, right?"

Luan: "No, not duh! That letter could be for any of us!"

*I come out of Invisibility, Creeping out the Sisters even Lucy*

Me: I Know Who it is adressed to.

Lori: Oh C'mon... Not you.... *Agitated Sigh* Who?

Me: Lynn Sr, he and Rita have been together for quite a lot of years, give me the letter.

Lincoln: Girls I'm starting to think he has a point, give him the letter.

Lori: Why should we trust you?

Me: Pin yourself to the wall and I'll tell you why!

*Lori Does what He Says*

Me: I don't know who you think you are thinking I'm, Lincoln, or Anyone else is afraid of you right now you better be lucky that I revived Lincoln before he died! I'm just glad I am actually older than you right now, Ross I would not have the right to come up and pummel my words in your face, You got Me?

*Lori Slowly Nods*

*I Backed away from her, and she unpinned herself from the wall*

*I was able to give the letter to Lynn Sr*

(Now... ON WITH THE SHOW!!!)

Me: Save the date, the episode where Lori threatens Lincoln to go on a Double date with Ronnie Anne, how forceful!

Rita: Joshua, I don't want to be discluded out of this but I feel like me and Lynn Sr. Have done enough, I'm sorry but you're on your own, We need to get back to our time and Defend Lincoln there.

Me: Ok, Good luck, blessings to you both. *I walk through the portal and started the mission*

[The episode begins with Lincoln at school sitting with his friends at the lunch table trying to get something out of his pants. It eventually comes out, and it's a sloppy joe with a note on it.]

Classmate #4: [reading the note] Happy Sloppy Joe Tuesday, Lame-o. Signed, Ronnie Anne. [he says her name with flair]

Classmate #3: And there's a heart!

Classmates #1, #2, #3, & #4, & Trent: Oooooooo! Lincoln's got a girlfriend!

*I appear out of Invisibility*

Me: HE DOES NOT! *All Students were freaked out*

(Same) Classmates: BABA YAGA!!!

Me: Baba Yaga?

Classmate #2: I hear she or he is a witch that walk through walls at night like a ghost, there is even a lullaby to it.

Me: Please don't sing that lullaby now, look the reason why I came here is to tell you, Lincoln does not have a girlfriend, she's only trying to bully him to tease him that's when he says he's going to end up hurting her feelings in front of her, I came to prevent that now if you stop teasing him about Ronnie anne and Lincoln being together, I won't scare you anymore like "Baba Yaga" Goodness, they need a better name for that.

Classmates: All right, dude, We will stop. Sorry Lincoln.

Lincoln: It's all good, guys.

The Loud Of Silence 2: Family Or FoeWhere stories live. Discover now