Part 3: Depression

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Charlie looked at the letter she received from Mayor Peña. It said congratulations but she wasn't sure it was such a good thing for her. For the town yes, for her no. The mayor had created a programme to import surgeons, doctors and nurses to the area from out of state. It would take the pressure of the staff and be safer for the patients but it meant a 48 hour week for Charlie.

She had worked such long hours for the past 10 years, she didn't know what she would do now. She had time and that time needed to be filled. She spent one day a week in Mexico, that had been started again when the mayor signed off on more staff. Other than that she had two days off and felt it was more like isolation.

Everyday she checked on Neron and he proudly showed his one month sober chip. The guy that sold Neron the smack was given a severe beat down that Charlie then had to treat. Neron had been beside himself that he was going to voted out but the Mayans had rallied to support their brother. Charlie was glad he had a support group like that.

She only wished Happy would answer her calls. After Neron confessed to telling Bishop her history she tried to call him but he sent her to voicemail every time. She had been so angry she didn't think about the words that left her mouth that day. She regretted them so bad and every time she thought about it she felt sick to her stomach.

Charlie actually wished she would get some visitors again but something big must be brewing as both Galindo's men and Bishop's were too busy. It left her alone in the big house where thoughts were louder than the highest volume on the television. Turning the channel to the late night news station she saw a breaking news bulletin.

The real price of the war on drugs: an inside story.

She listened as the reported retold the story of an unnamed Assistant DA who was so focused on catching his big win he didn't care about the children that suffered in his wake. Children were tortured by his soldiers if they were suspected of being rebels. Some were caught in the crossfire of their attacks. Pixelated photos appeared of the burnt houses and bullet ridden cars, bodies in the streets.

It wasn't until the last photo came up on the screen that she sat up shocked. It was her, treating children out of the camper van clinic. She fumbled for her phone as she watched the photo zoom in on the 'Good Samaritan'. Before she could ring Miguel, her phone rang first.

"Hello?" She answered the hospital number.

"Dr Adams. In light of the news that broke just today, we will be terminating your employment effective immediately. We cannot be associated with these rebels or a drug war. I'm sure you understand." The head of Human Resources stated.

"Yes, I understand." She whispered before the phone dropped from her grasp.

She heard the screen shatter but it didn't matter, it's not like work would be calling for an emergency. No, they had their replacement doctors already lined up. Was that why Miguel waited until now to give this one finger salute to the US government? He knew it would ruin her career. She would be lucky if her licence to practice wasn't revoked. She wondered if Nestor knew about this and just didn't care enough to tell her.

Despair hit her as she watched that photo haunt her on repeat, Her sandcastle dream had crumbled to the ground because of Galindo. She remembered the first time she met Miguel and realised the real reason was Nestor. This fall from grace started the moment he bumped into her to steal her access card.

She needed silence. She needed to lose herself, lose all feeling. Grabbing her keys she drove into town and parked outside the liquor store, thankful it was still open. Two sides pulled at her brain, drink or call Neron. Problem was her phone was broken. Charlie opened the door and walked into the shop in search of the spirit that poisoned her mother and once again herself.

She paid for the two bottles before heading home. She sat on the edge of her pool, feet in the water and both bottles opened. It seemed that her arms couldn't lift the glass up to her mouth and she didn't know if that made her proud or depressed. She couldn't even be a decent alcoholic anymore. What else could she possibly fail at.

Charlie wasn't sure if she was winning or losing as she tipped the bottles out into the pool. The temptation was good but she still felt like shit and needed the silence. Slipping into the water fully clothed she sunk to the bottom. Six minutes was her limit as she relaxed in the quiet water. She lay on her back, arms wide and closed her eyes. She could almost imagine floating away.

A loud splash interrupted her peace and she opened her eyes to see Nestor diving towards her. He tried to grab her waist but she pushed him away and shook her head. She wasn't ready to return to the noise. She could see him straining to remain under the water and he began to swim back up without her.

Closing her eyes again she felt the burn in her lungs and had to resist the urge to breathe. She wanted to push her luck, it seemed everyone else was able to do it so why not her. Spots dotted her vision when she opened her eyes and the dark started to close in. Arms wrapped around her waist but she couldn't fight him this time.

Nestor dumped her on the side of the pool and she immediately began coughing up the water she inhaled. He knelt over her and looked the angriest she had ever seen. Maybe he would put her out of this misery.

"You wanna die?" He hissed before pulling his gun and putting it to her temple. "You wanna die so badly? I'll do it."

She made no attempt to remove the gun from her head or push it away. She just closed her eyes and looked peaceful. Nestor cocked the gun and she didn't even twitch at the sound. He quickly holstered the weapon and scooped her up in his arms. Puddles formed where he carried her through the house, both wearing fully sodden clothes. He placed her in the bathtub and began running the warm water.

"Did you plan this?" She asked with a hoarse voice. "Was I just a pawn for you and Miguel to use in your war games?"

"No." He said simply but it was hardly a simple answer.

"Did you kill the unknown soldier?" She asked.


She sighed. "Did you get in using my card?"


"Why me?" She asked barely above a whisper.

"It was just luck it was you I bumped into. A chance encounter." He said and it made her feel worse.

It was just another curve ball life threw her way, if this was a real game she would have struck out by now.

"I'm sorry for how this went down. Honestly, I had no idea they would use a photo with you in it. Especially given..." he trailed off.

"Who my grandfather was?" She snarled. "So you did look into me. Miguel knew how bad that would look. The granddaughter of President John F. Kennedy's killer illegally in Mexico treating the 'enemies'. I have a target on my back now and I've already lost my job."

"Look, I won't let anything happen to you." He said brushing her wet hair back.

"I have a hard time believing anything that comes out of your mouth." She replied looking away.

"I have never lied to you Charlie, not once. So believe me." He said firmly. "You need to get out of your wet clothes before you get sick."

"Just let me wallow in my self pity alone." She said weakly pushing him away and curling up in the warm water.

"You're not going be alone for a minute until you're out of this mood." He said sitting down on the tiles to prove a point.

"Did you call your daddy and ask permission for a sleepover?" She sneered.

"There she is." He chuckled. "That's a start."

Maybe this bought of depression would be over quickly.

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